the NachtKabarett
All Writing & Content © Nick Kushner Unless Noted Otherwise
666The following are entries within the Devil's Notebook ; including but not limited to lyrical references, backwards masking, subliminal suggestions, samples, superimpositions and elements of 'Portrait of an American Family' & 'Smells Like Children' to present, and many other hidden intricacies of Marilyn Manson's works.
A miscellaneous repository of hidden knowledge of contents which may or may not fit within the existing delineated subsections of
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TWIGGY RAMIREZ | Twiggy Ramirez ; arguably "co-star" in the band to Manson himself, and with whom the grand Triptych of 'Antichrist Svperstar', 'Mechanical Animals' and 'Holy Wood' were co-written with. The following are various visual influences and evocations made by Twiggy since joining the band prior to 1994's 'Portrait of an American Family' and up to his rejoining for the 2008 'Rape of the World' tour.

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SEE NO TRUTH, HEAR NO TRUTH SPEAK NO TRUTH ; THE THREE WISE MONKEYS | "I've kind of put up the challenge for someone to figure out what the.... I don't know.... it's some kind of weird "trinity of the monkey" on ['Portrait of an American Family']. I realized after the album was already out that the monkey occurs three times -- in three different songs. And just by coincidence, that picture under the CD (inside the case) has three monkeys on it. There's something there to be discovered.... I just can't say what." Marilyn Manson, 1994.
Read further for Manson's blaspheming "Monkey Trinity" revealed, which extends from 'Portrait of an American Family', 'Holy Wood' to 'Lest We Forget'. One of Manson's earliest, deliberate imagery riddles on his debut album.

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MARILYN MANSON T-SHIRTS, POSTERS & MERCHANDISE IMAGERY | Various Marilyn Manson t-shirts, promotional items and miscellaneous merchandise memorabilia dating from 1994's 'Portrait of an American Family' to the present day which contain imagery, references, allusions or nods to inspirations which Manson utilized during each respective era these items made their appearances in. Sometimes cryptically evil in nature, many others very playful and tongue-in-cheek shock imagery, herein is a catalog of many Manson souvenirs.

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MARILYN MANSON SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES, SAMPLES & BACKWARDS MASKING | As a child in Christian school, Manson was indoctrinated with fear of the apocalypse and with the "Satanic" messages which were allegedly hidden within his favourite Rock 'n' Roll records, revealed by playing them backwards. As a rock star it became Manson's turn to inflict fear and revenge upon the institution of Christianity which had tormented him. The following are the hidden messages and samples throughout Marilyn Manson's discography from 1994's 'Portrait of an American Family' to 2007's 'Eat Me, Drink Me'.

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"SHE'S DEAD. WRAPPED IN PLASTIC." MARILYN MANSON & TWIN PEAKS | The song 'Wrapped In Plastic' is an overt reference to the early 1990's occult-laiden, hit TV series 'Twin Peaks' by David Lynch (a longtime influence on Manson). Manson has said that one aspect of the song's title was the superficial ideal nature of suburban households who wrap their couches in protective plastic covers to keep their expensive sofa cushions pristine. Literally to keep out the dirt, which can be seen as a metaphor for their isolationist attitudes toward the repugnancy of those who are not part of their so-called "status quo". The irony though, as Manson has pointed out, is that the practice dually acts as the metaphorical aspect of keeping the dirt inside; the lie of the false veneer atop the sordid secrets kept desperately from prying eyes.
Twin Peaks illustrated this verbatim as the series opened with the line, "She's dead. Wrapped in plastic," spoken over the line of a 911 call reporting the discovery of a dead body wrapped in a thick transparent plastic.

PORTRAIT OF AN AMERICAN FAMILY | Lyrical references, backwards masking, subliminal suggestions, samples, superimpositions, deeper meanings, allusions and hidden intricacies within Marilyn Manson's 1994 release, 'Portrait Of An American Family'.

SMELLS LIKE CHILDREN | Lyrical references, backwards masking, subliminal suggestions, samples, superimpositions, deeper meanings, allusions and hidden intricacies within Marilyn Manson's 1995 EP, 'Smells Like Children'.

ANTICHRIST SVPERSTAR | Lyrical references, backwards masking, subliminal suggestions, samples, superimpositions, deeper meanings, allusions and hidden intricacies within Marilyn Manson's 1996 release, 'Antichrist Svperstar'.

MECHANICAL ANIMALS | Lyrical references, backwards masking, subliminal suggestions, samples, superimpositions, deeper meanings, allusions and hidden intricacies within Marilyn Manson's 1998 release, 'Mechanical Animals'.

HOLY WOOD (IN THE SHADOW OF THE VALLEY OF DEATH) | Lyrical references, backwards masking, subliminal suggestions, samples, superimpositions, deeper meanings, allusions and hidden intricacies within Marilyn Manson's 2000 release, 'Holy Wood (In The Shadow Of The Valley Of Death)'

THE GOLDEN AGE OF GROTESQUE | Lyrical references, backwards masking, subliminal suggestions, samples, superimpositions, deeper meanings, allusions and hidden intricacies within Marilyn Manson's 2003 release, 'The Golden Age Of Grotesque'.

LEST WE FORGET | Lyrical references, backwards masking, subliminal suggestions, samples, superimpositions, deeper meanings, allusions and hidden intricacies within Marilyn Manson's 2004 'Best Of' compilation, 'Lest We Forget'.

EAT ME, DRINK ME | Lyrical references, backwards masking, subliminal suggestions, samples, superimpositions, deeper meanings, allusions and hidden intricacies within Marilyn Manson's 2007 release, 'Eat Me, Drink Me'.

DUMBO IN THE GOLDEN AGE OF GROTESQUE | The fourth animated feature by the Walt Disney Company which was released in 1941 and soon considered indisputable classics: it won Best Animation Design at the Cannes Film Festival and the Academy Award for Original Music Score. It was mentioned by Manson in the song 'Ka-boom Ka-boom' from 'The Golden Age of Grotesque'.

ALBERT CAMUS' THE FALL AND HOLY WOOD | 'The Fall' (1956) is a story by Albert Camus (1913-60), a French writer and philosopher, one of the founders of atheistic existentialism. This story had a strong impact on 'Holy Wood'. Most obviously similar, the last section of 'Holy Wood' is titled 'The Fall'.

MARILYN MANSON & BLADERUNNER | Marilyn has cited Philip K. Dick as an inspiration and has stated that the movie Blade Runner had a substantial impact on him when he saw it as a kid. Many parallels can be drawn between this movie and various facets of Marilyn's work (particularly the Triptych) and persona, so much so that it deserves to be examined. Aesthetically speaking, the most obvious homage to Blade Runner is Manson's emulation of Daryl Hannah's makeup.