the NachtKabarett

All Writing & Content © Nick Kushner Unless Noted Otherwise
The song title 'Para-noir' is a malapropsism of 'paramour,' the root word meaning a lover, mistress or adulterous woman.
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Art & The Golden Age of GrotesqueThe Golden Age of Grotesque bonus instrumental track 'Baboon Rape Party' contains a sample from the film SALO: The 120 Days of Sodom, a film which Manson was admittedly obsessed with during the era. One of the "baboon" noises in the song is of one of the sex slave girls of the film crying while being forced to eat the shit of one of her libertine imprisoners.
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CelluloidThe opening instrumental to The Golden Age of Grotesque, 'Thaeter,' contains a sample from the film 8½ by Federico Fellini. 14 seconds into the album's introduction, the squeaking noise that is heard is a sample from 8½'s very famous surrealist opening sequence, considered to be one of the greatest opening scenes in film history.
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