the NachtKabarett

All Writing & Content © Nick Kushner Unless Noted Otherwise
Original film & audio clips are property of their respective copyright owners and are presented herein for informational purposes only (as well as enticement for readers to purchase the original sources)
They took everything from your childhood that you remember from the Seventies and brought it into a big nightmare.Early fan commentary on VH1's Driven : Marilyn Manson special
Noted in his autobiography 'The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell', that as a child in Christian school Manson was indoctrinated with fear of the apocalypse and with the "Satanic" messages which were allegedly hidden within his favourite Rock 'n' Roll records, revealed by playing them backwards. As a rock star it became Manson's turn to inflict fear and revenge upon the institution of Christianity which had tormented him. The following are the hidden messages and samples throughout Marilyn Manson's discography from 1994's 'Portrait of an American Family' to present.
To be dramatically expanded with many additional sound and video clips coming soon!
"The court's decision in Roe vs. Wade was wrong, and should be overturned. And I think that when it comes to abortion, there is a better way. The way of adoption."George Herbert Walker Bush, (US President, 1988 to 1992)

Revelation #9 | Get Your Gunn (Single)
Spread me open / stick to my ribs / are all your infants in abortion cribsMarilyn Manson, early lyrics to later surface in 'Man That You Fear'
Click to hear the original sample
from 'Revelation #9'
Jesus loves the little children, all the little children of the worldMarilyn Manson, Backwards Masked
Click to hear the reversed backwards masked sample
from 'Revelation #9'
If you call 407 - 997 - 9437...Marilyn Manson, Backwards Masked
Click to hear the reversed backwards masked sample
from 'Revelation #9'
[phone off the hook]Marilyn Manson, Backwards Masked
Click to hear the reversed backwards masked sample
from 'Revelation #9'
And she's on drugs, she shivers like a...Backwards masked sample
Click to hear the reversed backwards masked sample
from 'Revelation #9'

Cake and Sodomy | Portrait of an American Family
"Go on, smile you cunt!" @ 0m46sLast Tango in Paris, (Movie)
"...white trash..."Desperate Living, film by John Waters

Lunchbox | Portrait of an American Family
Fire, sung by Arthur Brown on 'The Crazy World of Arthur Brown'."...Fire...I bring you fire...Fire...I bring you..."
Click to hear 'Fire' by Arthur Brown
Wild At Heart, film by David Lynch."I'm making my lunch!" (Spoken by Crispin Glover
Last Tango in Paris, film"Did you have fun as a kid?"
"It's the most beautiful thing."
"It's beautiful to be made into a tattle tale or be forced to admire authority, sell yourself for a piece of candy..."

Organ Grinder | Portrait of an American Family
"My friend, you will die (hahaha)"
Click to hear the reversed backwards masked sample
from 'Organ Grinder'

Cyclops | Portrait of an American Family
Poltergeist II, film"God is in his holy temple." @ 0:03, 0:10 (Note: Preacher Kane played by Julian Beck)

Dope Hat | Portrait of an American Family
Drugstore Cowboy, film"Who put the goddamn hat on the bed." (Spoken by Matt Dillon)
Lidsville, children's television show 1971-73"Prepare to meet your doom!"
Lidsville, children's television show 1971-73"The Great HooDoo will perform a feat of prestidigitation"

Get Your Gunn | Portrait of an American Family
"No... no... don't... this is gonna hurt someone... [gunshot]... [loud screaming]"
Budd Dwyer, (nationally televised suicide)

Wrapped In Plastic | Portrait of an American Family
Twin Peaks, final episode
"Don't, you're hurting me. Don't you're hurting me. You're hurting me.. [followed by male grunting]"
Click to hear the reversed backwards masked sample
from 'Wrapped in Plastic'
S e e a l s o o n T h e N A C H T K A B A R E T T :
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"SHE'S DEAD. WRAPPED IN PLASTIC." MARILYN MANSON & TWIN PEAKS | The song 'Wrapped In Plastic' is an overt reference to the early 1990's occult-laden, hit TV series 'Twin Peaks' by David Lynch (a longtime influence on Manson). Manson has said that one aspect of the song's title was the superficial ideal nature of suburban households who wrap their couches in protective plastic covers to keep their expensive sofa cushions pristine. Literally to keep out the dirt, which can be seen as a metaphor for their isolationist attitudes toward the repugnancy of those who are not part of their so-called "status quo". The irony though, as Manson has pointed out, is that the practice dually acts as the metaphorical aspect of keeping the dirt inside; the lie of the false veneer atop the sordid secrets kept desperately from prying eyes.
Twin Peaks illustrated this verbatim as the series opened with the line, "She's dead. Wrapped in plastic," spoken over the line of a 911 call reporting the discovery of a dead body wrapped in a thick transparent plastic.

Dogma | Portrait of an American Family
Last Tango in Paris, film
"They're afraid of the dark. Imagine that. Come on mother, I want you to meet my friends."
"Burn you fucker!"
Pink Flamingos, film
Who's there?Backwards masked sample
Click to hear the reversed backwards masked sample
from 'Dogma'

Snake Eyes and Sissies | Portrait of an American Family
Richard Ramirez "The Night Stalker", serial killer"Killing is killing whether done for duty, profit or fun."

My Monkey | Portrait of an American Family ass kissMarilyn Manson, Backwards Masked
Click to hear the reversed backwards masked sample
from 'My Monkey'
Charles Manson, Interview quotesWhy are the children doing what they're doing? Why does a child reach up and kill his mom and dad and murder his two little sisters and then cut his throat?" @ 0:09
"Raise up children, kill your moms and dads?" @ 1:22 & 3:32
"(And they take you to Strawberry Fields) where nothing is real but the medication and the ?> and then they cut their wrists and write 'I love you God' all over the walls and hang themselves on the ventilators." @ 4:19
"Sanity is a little box."
"...make you." @ 1:54
"...break you." @ 1:55
Mechanical Man, Charles Manson. Sung by Marilyn Manson"I had a little monkey / I sent him to the country and I fed him on Gingerbread / Along came a choo-choo and knocked my monkey coo coo / and now my monkey's dead"
Click to hear 'Mechanical Man' sung by Charles Manson

Misery Machine | Portrait of an American Family
Desperate Living, Film by John Waters"Go home to your mother! Doesn't she ever want you? Tell her this isn't some communist daycare center! Tell your mother I hate her! Tell your mother I hate you! [phone ringing]" @ 5:09
Beep Beep by The Playmates, musical group, 1950's"Beep beep. Beep beep. His horn went beep beep beep."
Click to hear 'Beep Beep' by The Playmates

Down In The Park | Lunchbox (Single)
Prince of Darkness, film"This is not a dream... not a dream. We are using your brain's electrical system as a receiver. We are unable to transmit through conscious neural interference. You are receiving this broadcast as a dream. We are transmitting from the year 1-9-9-9. You are receiving this broadcast in order to alter all of the events you are seeing. Our technology has not developed a transmitter strong enough to reach your conscious awareness. But this is not a dream. You are seeing what is actually occurring for the purpose of causality violation."
Not so soft anymore. [laughter] You're not so soft anymore. [laughter] They're not going to like you in junior high school when you're [...] on your fucking back!Marilyn Manson, Backwards Masked
Click to hear the reversed backwards masked sample
from 'Down in the Park'

I Put A Spell On You | Smells Like Children
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, filmClicking and screeching noises

Scabs, Guns & Peanut Butter | Smells Like Children
(Twiggy Ramirez humming on acoustic guitar)
Click to hear at original speed

The Beautiful People | Antichrist Svperstar
Charles "Tex" Watson, murderer &, Manson Family member"We' d swoop down on the town, and kill everyone that wasn't beautiful" @ 0:20 (Note: Heavily distorted)
Click to hear an early and audible sample of this audio from
the early Marilyn Manson demo 'Dune Buggy'

Tourniquet | Antichrist Svperstar
Marilyn Manson"This is my lowest point of vulnerability"
Click to hear the reversed backwards masked sample
from 'Tourniquet'

The Apple of Sodom | Lost Highway (Soundtrack)
"You'll never have me."

I Want to Disappear | Mechanical Animals
Let' s Visit the World of the Future, Dystopian mockumentary by the Subgenius Foundation"Now children, it's time for recess. Please roll up your sleeves."

Astonishing Panorama of the Endtimes | The Last Tour on Earth
"...and to die with dignity, sing to the..." @ 0:00 (Note: Backwards masked)
1984, film
Click to hear the reversed backwards masked sample
from 'Astonishing Panorama of the Endtimes'

Disposable Teens (Bon Harris Remix) | The Fight Song (Single)
"Beware the beast man, for he is the devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport, or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him. Drive him back into his jungle lair: For he is the harbinger of death."
The Twenty-Ninth Scroll, Sixth Verse, "Planet Of The Apes"
Click to hear the reversed backwards masked sample
from the 'Disposable Teens (Bon Harris Remix)'

Guns, God & Government World Tour | Holy Wood (In The Shadow of the Valley of Death)
The subtitle of 'Holy Wood (In The Shadow of the Valley of Death)' is an inversion of the famous line from Psalm 23 verse 4, "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death," which Manson went so far as to act of the allegory of this verse and its following, Psalm 23:5, onstage during the 'Guns, God & Government' tour.
A little known fact is that the introduction to 'Holy Wood's 'Guns, God & Government' world tour, immediately after the lights dimmed prior to Manson's emergence onstage, a screeching and hissing rendition of Psalm 23 was heard in the darkness before the band began to play.
This ominous rendition of Psalm 23 was delivered by one of Manson's oft-mentioned inspirations, the avant-garde performance artist and singer, Diamanda Galás, as taken from her 1988 album 'You Must Be Certain of the Devil.'
Psalm 23. The Holy Bible : King James Version. 1611.1. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.
Click to hear 'The Lord Is My Shepherd' by Diamanda Galás
Many thanks to Manzin, of, for this contribution.
S e e a l s o o n T h e N A C H T K A B A R E T T :
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HOLY WOOD - PSALM 23 | "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over." Psalm 23:4-5.
The Biblical verse which Manson enacted onstage during the Holy Wood era and where the original title of the album, 'In The Shadow of the Valley of Death', was inspired from.