the NachtKabarett

All Writing & Content © Nick Kushner Unless Noted Otherwise
As Manson revealed in his autobiography, The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell, the opening backwards masked speech in the opening of 'Tourniquet' is Manson lamenting, "This is the lowest point of my vulnerability".
The opening quote of 'The Minute Of Decay' is a distored sample from the filmic version of 1984. As Winston reflects his life and his role in the dehumanized future society, he pens in his secret diary, "From a dead man, greetings".
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Literary Vices
A prominent image contained within Marilyn Manson's autobiography, "The Long Hard Road Out of Hell", is a depiction of Dante Alighieri's nine circles of Hell. The circles are described in great detail in Dante's, "The Divine Comedy", as the poet Virgil serves as Dante's guide through the various levels of Hell. (Image forthcoming)