All Writing & Content © Nick Kushner Unless Noted Otherwise was launched shortly after the release of Mechanical Animals which was the first of the many Marilyn Manson hidden/sister sites. Its existence was revealed in one of five hidden messages in the album booklet which can be made visible using the blue CD case to separate the overlayed blue and yello text, is revealed appropriately enough under the blue text of 'A PILL TO MAKE YOU NUMB' above the lyrics and 'photo of Coma White.

The site itself consisted of the chart, which can also be seen behind the Mechanical Animals CD within CD the case, and by clicking on various cells of chart certain images are revealed. Anyone who is familiar with the site should know that the original is far too labyrinthine to archive in its entirety but I've left the original cell names and links to be seen as well as the images that are visible from the main chart image.

The most interesting aspect of the site is that by following the links which make up song lyrics hidden images are also revealed. For example following the links "Even-Machines-Can-See-That-We-Are-Dead" to "ARE YOU?" reveals a hidden mini-vignette which links to the Official Marilyn Manson bulletin board. Again, as the site is far too complex to archive totally I've displayed the hidden images clicking below.

Hidden Images From

The sister site of launched in the Summer of 2000. The site went through five transformations/additions all to illustrate Manson's own transformation and to illustrate the five pillars and themes most prevalent throughout Holy Wood; Christianity/Martyrdom and mankind's morbid fascination with it, Alchemy, Death Valley, JFK as the second Christ in the eyes of America and the Occult.

A complete and in-depth analysis and breakdown of can be read by clicking on The Lamb Of God via the menu to the left. But as it is one of the Marilyn Manson hidden websites a link to its original configuration is also included here.

Preview of The Love Song, the first of the four previews of Holy Wood released in the summer of 2000. The image is a cover of Manson's novel HOLY WOOD. As stated elsewhere within The NACHTKABARETT, the original title of the album was intended to be In The Shadow Of The Valley Of Death, the release of which was going to coincide with the release of Holy Wood the novel. The Love Song is one of the most prominent tracks on Holy Wood which deals with America lust of violence, guns and death, the subject matter of which is the theme of Holy Wood the novel.

Preview of Cruci-Fiction In Space, the second song preview of Holy Wood. The image accompanying it is quite obviously a diagram portraying the stages of human evolution. In keeping in the theme of The Love Song which illustrates America's gun lust, Cruci-Fiction In Space potrays this theme as humanity has evolved to the complex and sophisticated state which it has today, yet mankind's primary preoccupation is that of creating and devising new methods of murdering each other. "The Monkey, The Man, And Then The Gun".

The use of the image is also slightly more multifacetted in that one of the most prominent underlying themes in Holy Wood is that of evolution and transformation, not only in terms of mankind but more importantly personal evolution. Nothing changes the world and its predisposition towards violence but you can always change yourself, as Manson has often stated.

Preview of Burning Flag, Holy Wood's most scathing attack on American hypocrisy. The image featured is a photograph taken at a senatorial press conference on violence in entertainment, shortly a month after Columbine. The Senators shown are Joe Lieberman who has demonized Marilyn Manson as "The sickest group ever promoted by a mainstream record company" and Orrin Hatch who can very visibly be seen holding a copy of Antichrist Svperstar.

The absurd irony involved in this scenario is both that Manson has absolutely no involvement as inspiration for the murders at Columbine, and the sheer fact that Manson has never promoted violence to begin with. Many rap and hip-hop stars make no qualms about graphically rape and murder while simultaneously invoking the name of Christ at any given opportunity. And it's this type of hypocrisy Burning Flag is a scathing anthem against.

The fourth and last audio preview of Holy Wood, The Death Song. The use of the image to compliment the song is rather self explanatory given what the song is about and its relation to the constant theme of mankind's, but specifically America's, lust for death and violence in and as entertainment. was launched on February 14th, 2001 as Manson's gift to the BBS. The site was revealed on Valentine's Day in a post to the BBS Manson made while on tour with the heading of "They'd Remember 'This As Valentine's Day'". The central images is the cover of Time magazine with the date of February 14th, 1964. By clicking on Marina Oswald's broach, widow of the late Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused lone gunman in Kennedy's assasination, reveals our true Valentine's Day gift, the text of Chapter 10 of Manson's novel Holy Wood. A transcription can be read here, for ease of reading.




By also clicking on February 14th, 1964 links us to, as another method of Manson thematically tying in to his previous era. A link to was also subsequently placed on the mercury symbol on the Third Pentacle Of Mercury from

Click above to view the original CELEBRITARIAN.COM which The NACHTKABARETT has archived
and was first to do so as well as to identify the song which plays during the intro. was very ambiguously viewed as a hidden Manson site but there were a number of parallels which would allude to it as being Manson's. For example the pistol used in the opening movie sequence is identical to one of the pistols used on Manson's gun crucifix on the cover of Holy Wood the novel; there are a number of thematic references in the questionnaire including references to Kennedy; and although launched in circa the release of Holy Wood the web counter's starting year is 1996, the same year as the release of Antichrist Svperstar, year one of the Triptych of Antichrist Svperstar, Mechanical Animals and Holy Wood (In The Shadow Of The Valley Of Death). During a live performance in Denver 2001, the highly controversial performance which was Manson's first return to Colorado since Columbine, his performance, which inspired by numerous death and bomb threats, promised to be his most violent while balancing his performance with readings from the Bible which told of murder, death, sex and pestilence. It was during this Bible reading that Manson quoted from PSALM 137:9, which is the message received after submittal of the questionnaire from

The site was hinted at in the lyrics to Holy Wood in the song The Fall Of Adam in which the term was used which Manson coined. And what brought specific attention towards it was in the liner notes which reads "Celebritarian™ used by permission". It was later revealed that Manson himself coined and trademarked both the terms 'Celebritarian' and 'Celebritarianism'.

For more on conceptually what the signifigance of Celebritarian and Celebritarianism is in relation to Holy Wood, read THE LAMB OF GOD .COM, KENNEDY: KING KILL 33º, VALENTINE'S DAY sections and the continuously updated MARILYN MANSON.COM UPDATES & ANALYSIS page, as well as the exclusive interview "Dramatic New Scenes For Celebritarian Needs" on The NACHTKABARETT's partner site The Heirophant.

Within the opening movie, which The NACHTKABARETT recently acquired via an anonymous donor, the faces of the dead stars that are seen were also shown on the large screen behind Manson during the live performance of The Death Song on the Ozzfest portion of the Guns, God & Government tour.

The song played throughout the opening vignette is "I'm Leaving It Up To You" by Dale & Grace. Originally penned in 1957 this rendition was the number one song in America on November 22nd, 1963, the day Kennedy was assasinated.


Click to Download & Listen

Website domain names designated for but never made manifest for
Holy Wood (In The Shadow Of The Valley Of Death).

Website domain names designated for but never made manifest for
The Golden Age Of Grotesque.






Click to watch the first Holy Wood era site intro from December 15th 2000
Featuring Astonishing Panorama of the Endtimes & the first glimpse of the new era





The above alchemical image, which was unveiled on Decmeber 15th, 1999, served as the new introduction to and the new era's site design. This date also marked the now famous webcast which was the unveiling of Manson's new direction, aesthetic, imagery and sound; previewing song clips of The Love Song, Disposable Teens and Little Child (commonly referred to as "Mommy Dear" which was sung in the 1964 film noir The Naked Kiss) while Manson also revealed the title of the new album to be named In The Shadow Of The Valley Of Death (which was to coincide with the release of his novel Holy Wood) as well as his new identification with the symbol of Mercury.

This was the beginning of the Holy Wood era and it was also Manson's first act of retalliation against the world after scapegoating him for Columbine. The above imagery, glittery like dead stars, is preserved in its original form. Each of the alchemical words and symbols linked to various sites of individuals, organizations and information to show how sick this world we live in is; sick particularly in that these morbid fascinations and hypocritical evangelists are the same who demonized Manson; hypocrites such as Jerry Falwell and organizations as morbid enough as to call themselves the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. This was the world who scapegoated Manson as blame for the corruption of youth, a world for a whom a mirror would more appropriately and accurately reveal for whom to lay blame unto who molded these children and gave them more inspiration than Manson ever could to pick up a gun.

The date for this unveiling was not unintentional either. There are many parallels which Manson drew between the end of the sixties and the end of the nineties, the death of the innocence, Altamount and Woodstock '99, the Manson Family murders and Columbine, much of which I discuss in The Lamb Of section which coincides directly to this. December 15, 1969 was the date which the bloody clothes from the Manson Family murders were found. Up until that point there had been little evidence tying in the real murderers to the Tate-LaBianca killings. December 15th, 1999 marked the beginning of Manson's retalliation, laying blame back at those whom the evidence now pointed towards.



"Make of man and woman a circle; when you add the head to the tail, you have the whole tincture." (Hermetic saying)

"Consider these two dragons, for they are the true beginnings of philosophy which the sages were not permitted to show their children. The one at the bottom is called the fixed and the constant or the man. But the upper snake is the volatile or black, dark woman. The first is called sulphur or the warm and dry. The other is called quicksilver or the cold and moist (...).

"If they are brought together and then returned to the quintessence, they overcome all dense, hard and strong metallic things' (Nicolas Flamel, Chymische Werke, Hamburg edition, 1681)

"A.J. Kirchweger, Annulus Platonis (Aurea Catena Homeri), 1781; reprinted Berlin, 1921"


From Alchemy & Mysticism: The Hermetic Museum by Alexander Roob site design buttons during Holy Wood


"Zoroaster or Zarathustra (c. 628-551 B.C.E.) was an Iranian religious leader and reformer, priest, and founder of Zoroastrianism, or Parsiiam as it is called in India. Along with Moses and Hermes Trismegistus, Zoroaster was considered by Renaissance philosophers as one of the great spiritual teachers of the world - the prisci theogici- who had foreshadowed the teachings of Christ."..... as taken from The Tree Of Life by Israel Regardie.


"The second symbol of Zoroaster was Senemira - the Bad Principle, represented by an A - Alpha - inside a circle surrounded by a pentagram stressed by lightning bolts".... from The Complete Book Of Amulets & Talismans by Migene González-Wippler



By Brad Jaeger

"The four were greeted by the twelve circling Horai, daughters of Khronos, tripling round the fiery throne of the untiring Charioteer in a ring, servants of Helios that attend on his shining car, priestesses of the lichtgang each in her turn: for they bend the servile neck to the ancient manager o the universe."

- From the Greek Epic "Nonnus, Dionysiaca", circa 5th Century, AD.

According to Greek mythology, the Horai (The Greek word for 'hours') were revered as Goddesses of the seasons, as well as the heavenly measurers of time. The twelve Horai were tutelary Goddesses who were each assosciated with a different hour of the day; from just before sunrise to the final moments after sunset. As the ancient Greeks did not have the means to measure time as accurately as we are able to today, the twelve Horai were each allocated a certain hour of the day in relation to the movement of the sun accross the Sky. The Horai were thought to have accompanied Helios, who drove his golden chariot throughout the sky, dividing up the day from the night.

The four Horai which Manson made mention of during Holy Wood added yet another element to the already multi-faceted Adam Kadmon. Not only was ADAM the heavenly man, as described by the Kabbalah, and representative as the tangible form of The Tree of Life, but his name was also an acronym in relation to four of the Horai which most served Manson's creative vision. The four Horai identified were as follows:


ANATOLE - The hour of the sunrise
DYSIS - The hour of the sunset
ARKTOS - The hour of the last light
MESEMBRIA - The hour of noon


Thematically, Manson chose these specific Horai to reaffirm the numerous elements of rebirth and regeneration already present within the Triptych. Humans since the beginning of their time on Earth have been able to trace the apparent progression of the sun throughout the sky by way of the naked eye. This is yet another illustration of the continual theme transformation and rebirth parallels the Triptych.



Site map for the Holy Wood era design of, Manson within the Seven Pointed Star. The star which coincides with the seven elements of Alchemy which Manson, jawless, stands in front of on the Sigillum Aemeth.


The Sevenfold Star Of Babalon. A symbol used in both the A .·. A .·. (or Silver Star, a thelemic magickal group founded by Aleister Crowley) and the O.T.O.



Click to watch second Holy Wood era site intro from Summer 2000
Featuring song preview of Cruci-fiction in Space, hinting at the
recurring theme of evolution in the album



Click to watch the third Holy Wood era site intro
from Autumn 2001



Click to watch the hidden flash of The Fight Song backwards
which was played when the IHVH pentagram became inverted



Click for Original Full Speed
Golden of Age Grotesque Intro


Intro splash image to the Golden Age Of Grotesque era design of which contained many elements of the opposing extremes of Expressionism and Fascism, slowed to show more visibly the images subliminally contained within which hinted at the influences of the album and era. With the following both contained within the introduction as well as those which were images of an earlier version of it that illustrate this same thematic element.



There existed more than one version of this introduction with differing images in both. At top is the full speed introduction which existed up until the era's close, containing photos of Manson as well as the elements of the era's influence. Following are as many as found the images contained within both vignettes but above however is an image depicting the first incarnation of the site's introduction which if anyone has the original The NACHTKABARETT will gladly add it here.


Weimar era pic of a band consisting of Bertold Brecht on clarinet, tubist Karl Valentin, a skinny German clown, with Liesl Karlstadt, another clown, conducting and Absinthe Terminus poster advertisement.


A poster commemorating the attack on Pearl Harbour in 1941. Another parallel from the 1930's & 1940's to today in The Golden Age Of Grotesque was the parallelism between September 11th and Pearl Harbour; the latter's "Never Forget" is very reminiscient of the former's "Remember Dec. 7th", both were the only two attacks on the US in recent history on American soil by foreign pilots, and both signified the beginning of a decade and sparked two wars which both span the world over acting as the rallying cries for war in both eras.


A 1930's/40's big band swing musical, presumbly from a Busby Berkely musical and a detail of a nationalistic German rallying poster of the same era.

Still frame of the splash introduction to featuring a line of high-kicking Rockettes, also presumably from a Busby Berkely musical, whom Manson has referenced as a thematic influence for his ties to the big band swing movement of the 1930's & 40's.



What appears to be an early erotic photo of the Weimar era decadence & fetishism


A prideful & charismatic, ideal Hitler Youth, the pride, joy & hope for the future of the Third Reich and a caricature drawing of a black minstrel, appearing to be a stylized perfume spray bottle.


Two more images included in an early version of the Golden Age of Grotesque site design.








Along with the song preview websites, from 1999 to 2003 Manson released six flashcard previews from The Last Tour On Earth, Holy Wood & The Golden Age Of Grotesque. Many of these flashcards contain hidden images & symbols which relate to the imagery of each era they are a part of.

Because these are rarer elements in the world of Marilyn Manson, just as the Hidden Websites, they are offered here for download. As The NACHTKABARETT is not hosted for free it is asked that direct linking of URLs are not to be posted & given out other than those who visit this page as part of the site so they may continue to be offered for download.



The Last Tour On Earth Flashcard
Click to Download

Preview of Astonishing Panorama of the Endtimes



The Love Song Flashcard
Click to Download

Though not a single, the most powerfully thematic song from
Holy Wood & one of the album's first previews containing two of the Tarot card codes


Sketch of Caravaggio's 'Medusa' 1590 appearing in the flash card & the completed oil painting.


Detail of an Aubrey Beardsley illustration for Oscar Wilde's Salome which
in itself is a Biblical story with many occult & insidious connotations



Alchemical drawing of a Mercurial demon.

"The Moon and the Sun and their 'coniunctio' in Taurus; the fourth element is Hermes the Mystagogue."

Nazari, Della trasmutatione metallica, 1599

Compiled in Chymica Vannus, Alchemy or the Dreamed Science
Editted by Donatio Domini



Two more subliminal images, the left being a depiction of Christ



Cruci-fiction in Space Flashcard
Click to Download

Hidden / subliminal images within the animation of violence & evolution
which the song is a treatise towards
Depiction of Christ and Manson's Hierophant card in an alternate, annointing pose



Burning Flag Flashcard
Click to Download

Containing subliminal images of wartorn soldiers paralleling the World War II
cemetary image in the first preview of the song on





Godeatgod Flashcard
Click to Download

The predominent hidden image throughout the flash is the Hermit Tarot card, the original version of the depiction of
Ginger Fish at the end of the animation, from the Ryder - Waite Tarot deck which Manson reinterpretation is based upon





Four of the first Holy Wood Tarot Flashcards also acted as a key to what was known as the Masterboard, where each of the four cards, Godeatgod, Cruci-fiction in Space, The Love Song and Burning Flag contained each two codes for unlocking two tarot cards on the online masterboard. After unlocked, the tarot cards were then used, after aligning in position (the key to alignment was portions of the gun crucifix superimposed on each to make up the whole when all positioned correctly (the first version of the masterboard utilized the Mercury symbol instead of the crucifix)) to unlock a secret download of an unreleased song, Diamonds & Pollen.

Scans & below information courtesy of The NACHTKABARETT's affiliate partner,

The codes for unlocking the tarot cards were shown on sites

They codes were also available from the flash cards sent out by Interscope as promotions.

6312 - Death
6583 - Devil
5164 - Justice
4644 - Hermit
2743 - Hanged Man

7513 - High Priestess
9413 - Emperor
9985 - Magician
4851 - Fool
8198 - Hierophan


Disposable Teens Flashcard
Click to Download

First release from Holy Wood containing many symbols used throughout
the era, detailed at length in the ALCHEMY & KABBALAH section.


The Fight Song Flashcard
Click to Download

Second single from Holy Wood


The Nobodies Flashcard
Click to Download

Third single from Holy Wood containing many symbols used throughout the era, detailed at length in the ALCHEMY & KABBALAH section. Other symbols hidden within which are unique to the card are sketch versions of these Holy Wood era symbols, shown below.
Sketch of the Vaccuum of Infinite Space
Sketch of the Crucifixion in Space
Sketch of the dark circling & the Tetragrammaton
Sketch of the Eden Eye


mOBSCENE Flashcard
Click to Download

Preview of new era's collaboratory "degenerate" artwork with Gottfried Helnwein
& the first single from The Golden Age Of Grotesque