the NachtKabarett
All Writing & Content © Nick Kushner Unless Noted Otherwise
"As you look for your own answers, you'll find Mercury, the number 15, Adam and even something as obscure as Fibonacci, all have relevance as 'Holy Wood' unfolds before you. This is something I've been picking at for ten years and I hope it inspires you onto your own transformation."
As Manson stated before the release of Holy Wood. Fibonacci is a mathematical sequence which is derived from a string of numbers where the previous number in the sequence is added to the current number of the sequence results in the next number in the sequence. The sequence is as follows and can continue infinitely:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89......
So if the sequence begins with one it's added to zero (its previous number) to yield another one;, that 1 is then added to the previous one (the previous number in the sequence) to yield 2; that 2 is then added it's previous number in the sequence, 1, to yield a 3 and then so on; 2 (the previous) + 3 (the current) = 5 (the next number of the sequence); 3 + 5 = 8 (the next successive number in the sequence); 8 + 5 = 13; 13 +8 = 21......
Before discussing its relation to Manson's art, anyone unfamiliar with Fibonacci and its esoteric relations, including Kabbalah, would do well to rent the movie Pi (click symbol for link).

"The Fibonacci sequence is directly related to what's known as the 'Golden Section', 'Divine Proportion' or 'Golden Mean.' It is known as the 'Divine Proportion' because this rectangle proportion is in all objects and structures on Earth, hence it's name "Finger print of God." To come up with a Golden Rectangle, one simply takes a square, finds the midsection of that square, draws a line to the upper corner and extends that arc outside of the square, making a new rectangle proportion. The fascinating thing about this rectangle proportion is the fact that the actual rectangle that is added to the square to make the Golden Rectangle itself is a Golden Rectangle, and from inside that, more Golden Rectangles can be made infinitely."
Or take a rectangle with the ratio of it's length to width being 1 to 1.62 (so if the length were 3 the width would be 4.86; 3 multiplied by 1.62). This is the Golden Ratio. And if a line is drawn within the rectangle to create a square, the space left behind is another Golden Rectangle.
Or take a rectangle with the ratio of it's length to width being 1 to 1.62 (so if the length were 3 the width would be 4.86; 3 multiplied by 1.62). This is the Golden Ratio. And if a line is drawn within the rectangle to create a square, the space left behind is another Golden Rectangle."

"The Golden Section is [derived / created from] a numerical ratio called PHI (1.6) much like PI (3.14). PHI ratio is not only [the ratio of] the Golden Rectangle, it is what makes the Fibonacci sequence work.
1 2 3 5 8, etc ----- 8/5 = 1.6
"This sequence continues perfectly as far as you take the Fibonacci sequence down to a perfect 1.6 with 15 decimal places.
"What does all this mean? It means that the PHI ratio is the perfect (God) ratio on Earth. Everything is made from it and constructed with it. Artists and Architects have utilized the Golden Section for centuries to produce highly aesthetically pleasing pieces of work that are as successful as they are because they are built off the Golden Section. It is an art that isn't taught much anymore, and it is extremely complex in it's delivery."
A way in which the sequence can be seen in Holy Wood is the number of beats at the beginnings of each song which are parts of the sequence. For example:
Track 1. 'Godeatgod' - The sequence of beats of the sounds before the guitars play follow as. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5; one noise, another, two in succession, three in succession, five in succession and the song begins.
Track 2. 'The Love Song' - The number of beats in the drum rhythm are 8, which repeats itself twice before the song begins.
Track 3. 'The Fight Song' - The number of staccato out of tune guitar notes played are 13 before the song erupts.
Track 5. 'Target Audience' - 21 train track-esque beats are heard before the guitar begins.
Note that the sequence is a continuing one of 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 and 21 which is found in tracks 1, 2, 3, and 5. For this to hold true there would also have to be 34 distinct beats in 'Cruci-fiction In Space' (Song number 8) and 55 distinct beat in 'Born Again' (Song number 13), which I haven't actually been able to identify yet.
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Interior artwork of Antichrist Svperstar and Leonardo Da Vinci's famous proportion drawing, "The Vitruvian Man", which is the prototype of the Antichrist Svperstar artwork, note even the foot impressions from Da Vinci's on Manson's version. Da Vinci based many of his works of art on the Divine Proportion including The Mona Lisa as well as The Vitruvian Man. Numerology was a very important aspect and facet to Antichrist Svperstar which this image subtly ties into. |