the NachtKabarett

All Writing & Content © Nick Kushner Unless Noted Otherwise
The second to closing line of Portrait Of An American Family, hidden approximately 10 minutes after 'Misery Machine,'
"Go home to your mother!
Tell her this isn't some communist day care center
Tell your mother I hate her
Tell your mother I hate you!"
is an audio sample from the infamously trashy John Waters' film Desperate Living.
The scream of "Burn, You Fucker" in the song 'Dogma' is a sample from the John Waters' film Pink Flamingos.
On the band's first nationwide tour opening for Nine Inch Nails in 1994, Manson opened each performance in attire evocative of Willy Wonka crossed with a demented puritanical evangelist. In this guise he recited Portrait Of An American Family's introduction, 'The Boat Trip', which is a dark interpretation of Willy Wonka's foreboding edict to the children entering the inner depths of his factory.
Manson made several allusions to the Beatles on Portrait Of An American Family, undoubtedly as this was his spearheading endeavor so playing, in part, the role of a Charles Manson-esque dark messiah was a facet of his early inspiration and battlecry against the American Judeo-Christian theocracy in sheep's clothing.
Charles Manson himself, as outlined in-depth in the book Helter Skelter, was an obsessed Beatles fan, believing that their notorious and esoteric White Album was a cryptic and coded forewarning of the apocalypse. As such, the song 'My Monkey', being partly a reinterpretation of a Charles Manson song, hearkens the Beatles' 'Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except For Me and My Monkey' from the White Album, with Manson actually using that line to introduce the song during live performances on the Portrait Of An American Family tour.
Manson's first single single, 'Get Your Gunn' contains the title track remix 'Mother Inferior Got Her Gunn', which is a parody of the refrain of the Beatles', 'Happiness Is A Warm Gun' in which is sung,
Mother Superior jump the gun
Additionally on the single, the instrumental audio montage, 'Revelation #9', which was the introduction to many concerts on the Smells Like Children tour, was a parody of the Beatles' 'Revolution #9', again, from the White Album. The Beatles' original is itself a bizarre audio collage which Charles Manson was purportedly obsessed with, believing it contained the coded message of an imminent race war and retaliation against "the pigs" of the establishment. The Manson murders were, as Helter Skelter outlined, to act as the powder keg to ignite this war in which Charles Manson and his "Family" would emerge out of the rubble as leaders of the new society. Charles Manson himself likened the Beatles' montage as a coded metaphor for the Biblical Revelation verse 9.
One of the locations which the album was mixed in was the studio dubbed 'Le Pig', owned by Trent Reznor. The house was where The Downward Spiral was recorded and the house, unbeknownest to Trent was 10050 Cielo Drive, Roman Polanski's former home and where his then wife Sharon Tate was murdered by the Manson Family. Further accounts can be read about in Manson's autobiography but the house is shown briefly in the Nine Inch Nails video for 'Gave Up' which features a then pre-rockstar Marilyn Manson as a mock guitarist.
For more on Marilyn Manson's identifications and allusions to Charles Manson during the Holy Wood era see
The Lamb Of
The 1995 single for Lunchbox contains a cover of new wave pioneer Gary Numan's apocalyptic vision of the future, 'Down In The Park'. Manson would later join Gary onstage in early 1998 for a live duet of the song
The opening sequence contains the harrowing proclaimation:
We are using your brain as a receiver.
We are unable to transmit through conscious neural interference.
You are receiving this broadcast as a dream.
We are transmitting from the year one-nine-nine-nine.
You are receiving this broadcast in order to alter the events you are seeing.
Our technology has not developed a transfer strong enough to reach your conscious state of awareness.
But this is not a dream.
You are seeing what is actually occurring for the purpose of causality violation.
The quote is a sample from John Carpenter's 1987 film, The Prince of Darkness, which features a cameo appearance by Alice Cooper and is in part a psychological horror film dealing with metaphysics, quantum psychics and demonology from theoretical planes of existence. Also relevant is that the film, by way of one of the main characters who is a priest, presents the theme that present day Catholicism is based upon fallacies and the perversions of the truth, run by charlatans and self serving infidels. The plot of the film centers around a group of quantum physicists in partnership with a Catholic mystic who are attempting to stop Satan from incarnating upon the earth for the purpose of unleashing his father from an alternate prison realm to destroy mankind.
Additionally, as a fateful or coincidental premonition of future events, the song 'Down in the Park' speaks of being "Down in the park with a friend called 5"
The inlet of the aforementioned single, Lunchbox, contained a nude Manson sprawled out on red silk with matching lipstick. The image as well as the cover were part of a photoset circa late 1994 of Manson at his most Marilyn, an allusion to Marilyn Monroe's famous Playboy debut.
As Marilyn Monroe was later dubbed 'The Goddess of Sex' it was also this photoset which Manson utilized to proclaim himself 'The God of Fuck' (most famously in the notorious t-shirt form from the mid Nineties).
Marilyn Manson circa. 1994. An early allusion to Marilyn Monroe by Manson.