the NachtKabarett
December 8th, 2010
THE VAULT | The Complete Marilyn Manson Archives & More
Discography | Lyrics | Tour Dates | Album Art | Videos | Essays & Writing
A brand new NACHTKABARETT Update for 2010/2011 focusing on the areas of the site which always should have been first and foremost : The Complete Marilyn Manson Archives.
Following The NACHTKABARETT's recent link from the Discography section of, included is the band's Extended Disocgraphy, Tour Dates 1989 - present, Lyrics, Album Artwork, Web Archives, Videos and Manson's own Essays & Writings, as well as his complete BBS postings on This is the first time that all such information and material has been collected and presented all in one concise place to reference. And still to be expanded...
See below for an abridged list of the new update :
MARILYN MANSON DISCOGRAPHY | Album, EP, Single and Home Video release artworks from each era of Marilyn Manson's discography. The band's 1994 major label debut of Portrait Of An America Family to present.

MARILYN MANSON TOUR DATES | Archive of tour dates, performances, and special appearances of Marilyn Manson since the band's inception in 1989 to present and currently scheduled concerts.

MARILYN MANSON LYRICS | Track by track lyrics of each of Marilyn Manson's album releases since the band's 1994 major label debut of Portrait Of An America Family to present.

MARILYN MANSON VIDEOS | Music videos, MTV specials & appearances, interviews, live concert footage, MTV features and television performances from the early 1990's to present.

MARILYNMANSON.COM, ET AL. | Web archives of Marilyn Manson's presence on the internet from 1998, when was first launched, to present. Included are as near complete archives as possible of each previous incarnation of, internet multimedia released by Marilyn Manson, hidden "sister" sites which chronicled stages of evolution throughout past eras as well as archives of Manson's own web postings on the Official site as well as other mediums.

MARILYN MANSON ESSAYS, WRITINGS & WEB ADDRESSES | Writings and essays by Marilyn Manson which include pivotal media responses, key interviews as well as preamble and introductory web addresses to the online community. Included is Manson's "Columbine: Whose Fault Is It?" essay for Rolling Stone, the tenth chapter excerpt from Manson's unreleased novel Holy Wood, "Is Adult Entertainment Killing Our Children? Or Is Killing Our Children Entertaining Adults?", "Marilyn Manson Remembers Hunter S. Thompson" Rolling Stone essay ans much, much more.

MARILYN MANSON OFFICIAL BBS POSTINGS 1998 - 2003 | Nearest complete archive that exists of Marilyn Manson's messages and posts to the Official Message Forums from 1998 to it's demise in 2003. Contained are various personal commentaries which range from levity to hints towards the looming new eras to hints at current inspirations to Manson's film and music recommendations.

- As a bonus, also included is a complete archive of The Golden Age Of Grotesque & Lest We Forget eras of, in each of it's incarnation thanks to the exhaustive work of Gilles Maurice. And updates to the DOPPELHERZ, Celebritarian Corporation Marilyn Manson Logo and the Rodent Death's Head Logo :
GOLDEN AGE OF GROTESQUE ERA MARILYNMANSON.COM | was very complimental to the themes and imagery which influence the album throughout this era. Though The Golden Age of Grotesque gave birth to no hidden "sister" sites it did however intricately chronicle Manson's transformation into the debauched, absinthe-infused Weimar era "Arch Dandy" artíste whom he evolved into on the album and during the Grotesk Burlesk. Contained within are the various imageries and intricacies of the site between 2002 to 2004 which paralleled the time period to the creativity and artistic reckless abandon of 1930's Weimar Germany that Manson sought out to recapture with the album and era.

LEST WE FORGET ERA MARILYNMANSON.COM | After a 3-day "coming soon" screen is updated on September 26, 2004 with a new skin and imagery corresponding to Lest We Forget's material and the subsequent tour. The new site, adorned with Manson's face from Personal Jesus, has a very active news section as its main page, to which the flash introductions archived in the article below were redirecting to until January 2006, a presentation of the band's discography, a gallery of photos from Personal Jesus, the Against All Gods tour dates, and a re-cut version of Manson's Journal. The art and merch sites also underwent signicant changes to adopt Manson's new imagery. Also features an official Lest We Forget mini-site which surfaced September 9th, 2004.

MARILYN MANSON / CELEBRITARIAN CORPORATION LOGO | Though evidently aborted for use upon the release of 'Eat Me, Drink Me' in 2007, this logo which never rose to full fruition was the central piece to the montage that was the official Celebritarian Corporation masthead which Manson conceptualized to embody the era and art movement he had been cultivating between 2004 to 2006. Outlined in the following is a breakdown of each element of the collage with all that can be inferred about it and the logo with its minimal use and release, which were all amalgamated and assembled together to embody the ethos of Celebritarianism, with each piece a representation of the themes Manson wished to portray.

RODENT DEATH'S HEAD | Alternate logo utilized onstage and accompanying tour program of 'The Golden Age of Grotesque'. The inversion of the traditional Nazi SS styled death's head amalgamated with a familiar pair of cartoon rodent ears. An extension of the artistic collaborations with controversial artist, Gottfried Helnwein, this more incendiary logo does in turn represent the very satirical themes Manson wished to portray throughout the album and era.

DOPPELHERZ | The limited edition film directed by Manson which came with The Golden Age Of Grotesque, Manson has said, is a stream of conscious directly into the mind and ethos of who and what Marilyn Manson is. Many elements of and in The Golden Age Of Grotesque, as Manson has said, are what they are in that they aren't meant to be "understood" via conventional means, they exist and they're in existence to be absorbed and taken in for what they are. DOPPELHERZ is this stream of conscious into the very personal mind of Marilyn Manson, unhindered and unobscured by any metaphors of previous eras, which have been thoroughly misunderstood by many, the thoughts plain and pure; abstract expressions like DaDa. In its writing/creation Manson ordered everyone else outside of the recording studio, laid out all of his open notebooks and recorded as each thought as it came to create what has been made.

Visit also, the brand new NACHTKABARETT Shop :
Clothing, Official Marilyn Manson Releases, Books, Films, Movies, DVDs referenced by, related to or which has inspired Marilyn Manson, his art and music. Scroll below for a list of materials referenced by Marilyn Manson and books & films which are featured throughout The NACHTKABARETT's site content.
110% of all proceeds go towards maintaining The NACHTKABARETT and BABALON .·. The Official Marilyn Manson Message Forums, including but not limited to making future site features available, web hosting and the procuration of new materials to be featured on the site. Upkeep of The NACHTKABARETT is a very costly and time consuming endeavor which all staff perform as a labor of love, your assistance in keeping the site alive is very gratefully appreciated.