the NachtKabarett
November 7th, 2010
Clothing, Official Marilyn Manson Releases, Books, Films, Movies, DVDs referenced by, related to or which has inspired Marilyn Manson, his art and music. Scroll below for a list of materials referenced by Marilyn Manson and books & films which are featured throughout The NACHTKABARETT's site content.

110% of all proceeds go towards maintaining The NACHTKABARETT and BABALON .·. The Official Marilyn Manson Message Forums, including but not limited to making future site features available, web hosting and the procuration of new materials to be featured on the site. Upkeep of The NACHTKABARETT is a very costly and time consuming endeavor which all staff perform as a labor of love, your assistance in keeping the site alive is very gratefully appreciated.
All who are kind enough to donate will receive complimentary Nick Kushner and NACHTKABARETT promotional business cards in the mail.