the NachtKabarett

Nachtkabarett NewsBleed

July 1st, 2009

Annus Horribilis | NACHTKABARETT ; The High End Of Low, et al.

The first NACHTKABARETT update since the Anti-Christening of our Babalon forums as the Official Marilyn Manson Messageboard, which we are honoured and proud to reiterate.

An exhaustive update is as follows (with many invaluable contributions from my "degenerate" art partners Brad Jaeger & Gilles R. Maurice) which uncovers everything within 'The High End Of Low' as well as a plethora of additions to existing articles, complete web archives of the 'Eat Me, Drink Me' incarnations as well as The Oracle ; Marilyn Manson's online Q & A communication with the fans during 2003, and many more brand new articles spanning all era's of Manson's art.

Firstly, everything and all which is 'The High End of Low' :

Brand New Articles :

Updated Articles :


As always, stay tuned for further updates and soon, as well as join in conversation at the Official Marilyn Manson Messageboard : B A B A L O N

2009 ; Annus Horribilis and The Age of Horus


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