the NachtKabarett

All Writing & Content © Nick Kushner Unless Noted Otherwise
Then nearest complete archive that exists of Marilyn Manson's messages and posts to the Official Message Forums from 1998 to it's demise in 2003, which was replaced with The Oracle. Contained are various personal commentaries which range from levity to hints towards the looming new eras to hints at current inspirations to Manson's film and music recommendations. This collection is thanks in large part to the altruistic collections of The Angelynx Archives and BBSer CC aka Chocklit Cow for their endeavors of saving so much when it existed live which few else bothered to do...
NOTE : Though as complete as possible, a large segment of Manson's BBS posts from mid to late 2000 on the Holy Wood message forums is currently missing. Please contact if you may have saved these, or other posts by Manson which are currently missing.
1998 Archives Click To Read
9/19/98 2:14:22 PMI apologize to New York because the police shut down our record signing, hopefully we can make up for it later. I hope the uncensored "The Dope Show" footage will satisfy your needs. I'm going to give you some sneak previews of important things next week that I think you'll appreciate. I truly love and appreciate you and your support, and FUCK all the senseless assholes who post here trying to annoy me.
It doesn't work.

as I am in London at the moment dispersing information to Europe regarding our movement.
I wanted to give you time to digest Mechanical Animals, and I hope you are enjoying it.
I am watching and in a week you will see me here more regularly when I return to the States.
I would like to apologize to New York because the police shut down our record signing, hopefully we can make up for it later.
I hope the uncensored "The Dope Show" footage will satisfy your needs. I'm going to give you some sneak previews of important things next week that I think you'll appreciate. I truly love and appreciate you and your support, and FUCK all the senseless assholes who post here trying to annoy me. It doesn't work.
Marilyn Manson Omega 015

9/24/98 2:22:44 PMDont let yourselfs get out of hand

09/25/98 7:01:53 PM[Sent by "Scott - You knew me as Daisy"]
You know there was once a time i was them, but know i am me, and after finding this out i finally came upon the conclusion this is how it was meant to be. i come here today not to contact Brian (marilyn as you know) but to reach you his fans, but always remember brian and i will meet once again, on his way down and my way up....... just wait you shall see...
09/25/98 5:44:26 PM
I'm back and I will be here for you. Thanks from the 5 of us, for your words. In response to "scott". you were always scott and that's what you couldn't see. we all live in our minds. you are dragged down by your lack of imagination. we will never meet again. you will never meet these wonderful people again. I love therefore I am.

09/26/98 9:57:15 AMmeet me in the chat for a few minutes

09/26/98 9:30:53 AMSome of you have looked deeper. keep looking there is much more.
so many things, inconsequential things are distracting us from the sad truth.this is the exit, this is the exit.
sometimes you are Coma White.some people, people who haven't experienced and would not
know...sit and try to judge someone's work in a sentence.
it doesn't make you stronger. you can't feel someone else's pain.
who is better,what does this song rip off? I am a pop artist,
I know how to make my statements in musical references, in
images. but I am a dead star. I am pointing to you...don't
miss what I am telling you. the numbness has worn off.
humanity is the worse thing to feel.I've always loved you...

09/28/98 2:48:00 PMtonight I will post all the information regarding zim zum's termination. we can then clarify that everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. look for these legal documents to please end this nonsense, so we can get on with moreimportant issues.
I'd like to know what songs from mechanical animals you would like to hear most on this tour?
And I have no current plans for children or marriage.
god is now here
god is nowhere
marilyn manson

09/30/98 11:11:45 AMfirst of all no other members of the band are currently on
the bbs or chat. ignore these imposters (DRUGS,etc.)
I do NOT post in any other form, even if I am away from my computer.Despite the fact that I feel zim zum has lied about his
termination, this isn't the place to spread rumours about
him, or prosecute him for things you think he has doesn't surprise me though, that if you surround yourself
in lies, eventually you will drown in for scott and your confusion, it seems people would just
want to go on with their lives and realize no matter how hard
they try to hang on they are not a part of me. I don't hate him.
I just don't care. everyone has broken relationships, ex-girlfriends,etc.
This is no different. talk about it somewhere else. it's wasting space.finally, about ex-bandmates--I wish brad stewart the best with
his band, the dollygaggers. despite our problems, he is still
a brother to me.Anton LaVey's final book "SATAN SPEAKS" will be released this month.
we are on the dawn of a powerful new era.
I wrote the forward, and I'm sure you will enjoy this one.
this is our omega.
be with me,
marilyn manson


10/01/98 9:40:37 AMsomeone was clever enough to hack me.
I applaud your work.
I'll make it harder this the way, that was me (hallelujah motherfucker)
just a reminder: I didn't become Antichrist Superstar
by taking shit from weaklings
that don't realize their resistance only fuels me.
marilyn manson

10/01/98 9:56:31 AMto try and answer your tour concerns:
this first leg of our tour is intimate theater shows, mostly on the east coast.
in feb. we will visit ALL of america.
at least until we are banned. but we will fight that together.

10/4/98 12:49:53 AMI'd like to see more of you.
include these in your posts.i'm watching
marilyn manson

10/5/98 9:37:18 PMTHE ENDwe
this is the age of horus, a dystopia.
we can overcome the entire world
or we can die in our minds.
i feel like I've died enough for all of us.
let us begin the end.
marilyn manson

10/6/98 11:58:13 AMHELLO
i am currently trying to make the format of this easier to operate.
i would appreciate if someone could repost me for those who have missed my answers.the more art, writing and pictures
the more response
backstage passesi love and enjoy what you have been doing.
sometimes we are all coma white

fri 9 oct .RE: god is now here
god id now here
god is now here
god is now here
god is now here
god is now herebreak the egg orgasm death
god is no where

I love to let you see through my brain
little zapruders
rewinding and replaying.
I love to let you shoot through my brain,
and what are we really selling?
and what are we really buying?I'm on my way
you are too
I'll see you when we get there. 1-5-15
I prepare to bring you
like a theif in the night...god is nowhere
god is now here

10-11-98ALL OF YOU
I am changing and updating this format
please be patienthow many of you will like to see Mr. Superstar live?
marilyn manson

10-12-98NEWS FOR YOU
We will be shooting a video for "I don't like the drugs," next week.
I will be directing this with Paul Hunter.Manson fans can rest assured we will be playing songs from all our albums and some we have never done live before.
love and I am,
marilyn manson

10/13/98 07:01:22 PM PSTfuck off ersatz omegas
this is me
friday at midnight KROCK los angeles
live from the viper room
i'll see you theremarilyn manson

reality post elsewhere repost to fuckhead 15xxxxxx
i only post here to you
i only trust you
i don't post in news groups
and i do not announce 'i am watching'this is where i am
tell them to tune their cb the hands of fools

i have now entered your bloodstream
if our creators kill us now
will it still qualify as an abortion?at midnightPST the left and right side of your brain will eclipse for 37 seconds allowing you to see coma white as she/he/other is manifested in your (consciousness)
tell me what you see
marilyn manson

10/18/98here it comes
less then 37 minutes
you will know
if your mind will let, there doesn't matter
coma white is right in front of you
literallylove and i am
marilyn manson

37your (sic)

10/18/98you make it happen
URL37 seconds

December 24, 1998 11:26 PMhere's wishing you a a christmas turd in your stocking
marilyn manson

12/30/98 11:33 PMRE: endtimes
i'm back.
i've been watching. now we are ready.
country is falling apart just in time for us to take charge.
omega rising.
we will destroy everyone in our path
love and i am, marilyn mansonNewyear's eve
things you might find:
last day on earth
dave navarro
2 naked black women
live suicide
acsswhen i wrote this i was dreaming, excuse me if it goes astray...
love and i am,
las vegas, navada, center of man's evil

1999 Archives Click To Read
do you know the meaning?

thank you for the warm regards motherfuckers
see you soon mm

back in the usa
to all the beautiful supporters from every country, the band thanks you.
to whiny posers to assume to know more than me, or believe everything they read. fuck off
does anyone think that I listen to your bullshit?
would I be who I am if I listened to others opinions?
I do what I feel is right.
that's what we all should do.
I don't expect anyone to follow me. We are together in this. Christianity is the least of my enemies. Self doubt can destroy you quicker than anything. Thanks to your support, I believe in what I do and I believe in you.
Anybody who is "too cool" to like my band now because they like the limp orgycotica's of the world --that's fine. I'm not going to change what I believe, even if you think I have.
We are stronger than ever, and this is a fucking revolution. So let's act that way.Destroy,
Marilyn Manson
Omega015please repost in all manson message boards. thank you.

11:20 PMpay attention
i was not in the chat, nor will i be.
i will be doing a video chat in the next few weeks, where we can discuss things one on one.
love and i am,
marilyn me a favor and deliver my previous message to those people in the boards who overestimate their intelligence, opinions and relevance in the world.

11:53 pm 2/4/99TO REAL FANS OF ANY KIND
I'm very proud of your creativity.
keep it up, because if I can be a star so can any of you.Let me tell any disbelievers, I'm not ashamed to be a success
at what I love to do. If anyone thinks I am more successful
because I shed my so called "goth" image or sound, you're wrong.
I will always have trouble getting to the mainstream.
I congratulate and thank you guys for getting us this far.I change because I like to be different than what's around me,
when other bands change their eyes like I did 7 years
ago (limp dick, psycornica, even my friend rob z.) or do goth
covers of 80s songs (orgly) or every person I see has black hair
--I just wanted something more interesting to me. I'm not
saying I dislike any of those things (my hair is still black by
the way), I just wanted something new. I'm inspired by things
I liked as a kid and try to bring back true rock n roll.
If it becomes a formula then fuck it. I do this because I enjoy
it, my band enjoys it and you enjoy it.Hole? you may ask yourself.
what could be more interesting?
yeah, and I was on the wonder years.
dismembered acss?
evolved...haven't you?we are making the most beautiful and disturbing video we have ever done--
Coma Whitemy gift to you
marilyn manson

12:00 am 2/5/9919
i love you and your poem

I will be posting the numbers of radio stations in every city later this week. If we bombard them, we can help destroy their lame selection of music. I am looking for dedicated missionaries that are willing to waste their spare time doing this work. we are capable of making radio stations play a song that says DRUGS over and over.
anyone interested keep looking here
I will compile a list of people in each city and I will guarantee back stage the mean time you guys probably know your local request lines.
hassle them for DRUGSI will deliver you into the backstage promised land.
marilyn manson

2/5/99 12:31amRE: DOES ANYONE HERE REMEMBER WHEN........
i didn't see it
this video is a bit of a trailer for some of the concepts in my upcoming film
marilyn manson

2/5/99 12:45amRE: DOES ANYONE HERE REMEMBER WHEN........
I like that movie, and your ideas are good.

2/5/99 3:16 pmRE: mr. masnon...
read my radio attack post. that will get you passes

2/5/99 3:24 pmRE: Marilyn Manson-- is ur sight????
this site and are my only sites

2/5/99 4:00 pmREAD THIS AND SHARE IT
How many of you are familiar with the pretentious few in aol message boards? STARK and his pals?
Let me have a laugh.
isn't it interesting that someone is inspired by you, admires you to the point that they share your ideals. Then one day they think they know more than you, or are "too cool". Or that these were their ideas to begin with. They forget why they are there in the first place. so they just complain about what was or how they have more integrity, blah, nauseum.I encourage or challenge anyone who thinks they can do what I
do to just do it. Be my guest.write an album.
make a video. I'll buy it.
Trust me, I love criticism. I'm a critic.
I just pity and detest uncreative whiners, and armchair rock stars. Be something before you try to challenge someone else's dreams.Those few "elitist" fans treat us real music fans and music makers just like the rest of the world we fight so hard to smash.
I'd waste my energy destroying manson bashers, manson traitors or every bullshit christian I see. But I go to bed knowing they will wake up everyday and have to live their shitty, miserable lives and THAT is the worst punishment of all.
so someone asked how should we handle assholes?
remind them they're losers and ignore them.
If that doesn't work, find out where they live and remind them in person.I love you and the band thanks you for kicking ass. Let's conquer these shitty radio playlists and start our fucking revolution!
marilyn manson

[in reference to's webmaster]2/5/99 4:37 pm
email me you know where

[in reference to a fan wanting other band members to post.]2/5/99 4:39 pmRE: HEY MOTHER FUCKIN CUNT (yeah you Omega)...... WHY DONT OTHER MEMBERS POST???? ~Nt~
i can't make them post. if they want they will.

2/5/99 4:51 pm19
could you post your email for me please
marilyn manson

2/6/99 1:42KNOW SUBJECT
do I have anyone's attention?
I have not been hacked and that was me the past few days. to those that said I wasn't being an asshole, go fuck yourself. It's those kind of comments that make us all act like assholes. Next week there will be a list created to give passes for each city (not tickets). Stay tuned for those numbers to radio stations. I know alot of you have already started. That kind of support is unbelievable. You are undoubtedly the greatest fans in the world. New or old. And to wannabe-elitist fans who think if you bought mechanical animals at the mall, you're not cool enough--well, other fans said that about them when they bought sweet dreams, etc...
I'm here for a few minutes to talk
marilyn manson

2/6/99 1:45pmRE: a word about our mission

2/6/99 2:45 pmvery important metalham
I just read metal hammer and both interviews, mine and twig's are COMPLETELY fabricated. In fact I doubt anything in that article is true, just slag. so read it if you want but it's not from this band. I am talking to the owner on monday. But who really cares, people love to make shit up, I'm use to it.
marilyn manson

2/6/99 2:22pmanyone that goes to usenet
I don't expect you to do everything I say. I'm just communicating,
if you can help, I thank you.could you please tell scummy4@alt music
this is me
and to go fuck himself.
by the way if he has a complaint, come see me in person,
rather than acting brave behind an anonymous screen name.
any city, no bodyguard required.kisses, marilyn manson

2/6/99 2:27RE: Follow Yourself...
I think I do for myself and I think most fans are here to support. Isn't that we are doing on this page?
no one here is blind, we all want to fuck with the world--I'm just asking for help. Not commanding.
marilyn manson

2/6/99 2:31RE: at ozzfest in wisconsin you let me on the tour bus and i had to beg you to let my boyfriend on the bus...
i remember everything

2/6/99 2:37pmRE: anyone that goes to usenet
festival june

2/6/99 2:49 pmRE: please make a video for either last day on earth or rock is dead
thank you. There will most likely be a live video for ROCK IS DEAD, following COMA WHITE. LAST DAY ON EARTH will be featured in our film...
marilyn manson

2/6/99 2:51 pmRE: very important metalham
i love to tell a story. however, this one in particular lacks any purpose or flair.

sometimes we admire the feathers and ignore the dying bird.
marilyn manson

in my dream vultures chase me into my burning house. there, they pick out the brains of my family, dismember them--
I emerge from my home and I am burning, skin falling away like a snake as the structure crumbles into a black skeleton.
I cannot fight off the vultures.
a young man or woman emerges from the ashes.
he/she doesn't save me, because he/she is holding my cracked and swollen heart in one hand and a piece of paper in the other.i can read it.
it discusses and compares in great detail the differences between me and the vultures.
he wraps my heart in the paper and tosses it to the ground.can you see?

11:30 PMunderstand, explain
sometime in our life, our creations will experience an exegesis.
they won't need us.
i don't just mean machines

11:36 PM19, 19, 19do you have a screen name

February 9, 1999I hope everyone had time to read my posts last night.
they are meant for you to learn something from.the radio call-in system is beginning to work, so please continue requesting "I don't like the drugs..." I find it amusing to think normal people will be singing along to that and not get the irony. Lizard King and steve at angelmanson are in charge, so please help them find more missionaries. the names for passes are being filled in each city so talk to them soon.
another thing, if anyone wants to relay this particular statement to other newsgroups. 5 out of 6 Big Day outs were completely sold out and the one that wasn't had over 25,ooo fans. Just because one show went bad doesn't mean our headlining festival of Australia (we did choose our slot, because we were the headliners) was a failure. It was a huge success and I thank the fans who came to see us. We only stopped our show because a glass bottle cut my leg open and Pogo got a concussion, we weren't booed off. I wish we were. It's like the old days. That's rock for you.
Love and I am,
marilyn manson
2:11 PM - UPDATE

ATTENTION, FREINDS AND LOVERSThank you for your brilliant poetry and ideas, it's great to see us using this mechanical format for something important.
in this age, we're dying
and I want to make a few more things for you before all is said and donea gun only contains so many bullets
so please watch where each one of mine landsI'd like to talk to you next week live
rock is dead will actually be the next single, coma white will follow
this bbs is being recreated to feature sections for each bandmember
I do love you and I wish we didn't have to die like this.
but that's what we asked for.marilyn manson

sorry for missing the chat last week friends and lovers.
i am here in seattle and the weight of rock and roll seems heavier than ever. the pain of this town feels real.
the rock is dead tour is underway and i will be keeping you updated. you guys are the best fans and you remind me that we're not as lone as we feel.
hallelujah motherfuckers,
marilyn manson

3/4/99important information for you
the video for rock is dead will be on mtv next week. it is from our current tour. we also shot coma white which will be released later.
i am busy working on the screenplay for my film that we're shooting this summer.
i hope this clears up some of the rumours and confusion.after reading i noticed that there were some messages that i did not write, and I have since corrected the security leak. there is some aol message board that may be responsible (mm/spookykids) and some guy named starkypoo. I don't know if this was some ploy for notoriety but if any of you are from there or usenet I want to let you know I do not condone this nonsense.(you can repost this there if you want)
thanks for kicking ass spokane, vancouver, and seattle.
marilyn manson

sorry i missed the backstage in seattle and vancouver. there wasn't one in spokane.
I injured my hand and was soaking it in ice.

3/4/99RE: last question....
are there hole fans?

3/4/99RE: not real
i don't have time to justify to you on my website that i am ME.
go fuck yourself if you don't believe.
(did that sound like what I am supposed to sound like?)last time I respond to morons,
marilyn manson

3/4/99RE: Omega015 motherfucker...
Plastic? tell that to the guys with stitches in their heads. You lost respect? like I give a shit.
would you have more respect if I hit you with a bottle of whiskey? anybody that can hide behind a screen name thinks their invincible all of a sudden.
See Manson's 3/99 post to the AOL Manson board mm/spookykids here.
Date: Mon, Mar 8, 1999 18:12 EST From: MDCLXVI
Message-id: <>There were extremely serious problems the first week of the tour, the entire tour was almost cancelled because of all the problems, but I worked everything out and I'll see everyone in san francisco.
anybody that got left out I'll send them some shirts although I know it's not the same.

announcement to all fans
I'm in SF and I'm pleased to say the tour is on track. Due to extreme problems being caused by HOLE, we were unable to attend the aftershows. This has all been fixed. Well, I should say that it appears to be war between us and Hole. I don't expect them to last very long.I'll see you in 2 days and I will make it up to anyone I missed.
reclaiming rock,
marilyn manson

June 1, 1999just to say hello.
i have not forgotten anyone.
unfortunately the fascist, corporate sellouts that did everything in their power to help disrupt my tour plans have interfered in radio and tv transmissions as well. but i took my time thanks to rolling stone and kurt loder and said what I needed to say.
i have been busy writing my new album and screenplay, as well as prepairing a full art exhibit of all unseen paintings. coma white, a cover of highway to hell and an unreleased track from acss that we have given to celebrity death match are all on their way.
we shall return heavier than ever, unapologetic, and all middle fingers antichrist superstar as ever,
marilyn manson

June 1, 1999by the way, spread the word.
we are at war.
it feels fades but hate is forever.

Hello from the depths of Holy Wood...
My fantastic band and I are busy composing music to usher in the Age of Horus.
The hate furnaces have been ignited once again, and it's good to see the world still despises us. We are censored and stopped at every turn. We are sabotaged, we are smeared with false press. This right here, you and I is the only thing that is real. Your support and dedication has made us survive this and we have returned to kick ass and take names. We will see the inauguration of a new worm.
In the name of

July 29th, 1999A THANK YOU
I want to thank the old fans, the new ones and the unsure ones for all tuning in to our conference.
The heart of true magic is in the words, behind the words, believing that there really are no words.
Abracadabra translated literally means, "I will create as I speak." We are all that's left. Those that don't believe, don't believe themselves. Now is not the time to be happy that there is a union, that anyone who wants IT can have IT.
knowing IT is all you need.
You are the best and most gifted fans, and I hope that each one of you gets the world's attention, you deserve it.

August 16, 1999this is the end, my only friends
thank you all, far and away for helping us live through such a tumultuous tour. We finished at Mount Fugi in Japan and it is quite a relief to be home. I have something special planned for the release of GOD IS IN THE TV, to reward those Los Angeles fans for their missed show. The video will contain all the behind the scenes I can offer, the things that the record company will censor will be available here! Coma White is at MTV, I don't know if they will play it because of the subject matter, but it will appear in it's entirety on GOD IS IN THE TV. Also set for release is Astonishing Panorama of the End Times, which states "VIOLENCE FOR THE PEOPLE, GIVE THE KIDS WHAT THEY NEED." I imagine it will be censored to say "milk and cookies for the kids" by the fascists. The live album is also finished and I hope to share that with you as well, it covers all of our albums and some extra unreleased items. I am writing to you from Kern's Gate and from Death Valley the birthplace of our new album.
Details to follow. With the shedding of skin we have discarded our Mechanical Animal clothes, costumes stage items, etc. This will be available for auction and a portion of the proceeds will go to charity.
I love you all in the only true sense of the word.
In the Name of Jehovah,
Satan and their union through

Oct 10 1999death valley
album, movie. I love those who love themselves.
In the name of Jehovah
and Jesus Christthe third and final beast,
I am on my way.
god bless those who doubted.
Marilyn Manson

Nov 8 1999Seraphim

Nov 8 1999manson a christian?
don't be alarmed.
I have no desire to buy into the slavery of modern Christianity.
I am seaking a greater explanation.
I can't wait to share it with you.
from Death Valley
Marilyn Manson

I am in the process of fulfilling my promise to revamp the site.
include art of mine and others.
record a new album.
make a movie.
spend time in Death Valley.hopefully the live album will keep you company in the meantime.
we should prepare to fight for our freedoms that are quickly slipping.
not just censorship.
watch a film by Bunuel called Viridiana, it's one of my favorites. it was banned and caused a riot in its time. So did Fando and Lis by Jodorowsky.sadly, it is up to us to keep little brother (ourselves) from taking away our right to think and dream.
the bible and shakespeare, although beautiful in their descriptions, couldn't be more violent than any pitiful rock album or movie of our time.
I wish you all luck in this dying world and my album is my testimony. The world has disappointed me now more than ever and I thank them for giving me the hatred to create this destructive force of music I will let loose next year.
Sincerely with love and I am
the third and final Beast,
Marilyn Manson

November 16, 1999[someone on the bbs said this:]
Manson, No disrespect, but you got ALOT of Nerve
I'll be the first to say that I don't know the whole story between you and Trent but from what I DO know I'd say that You Have Alot Of Nerve to publicly disrespect the man who, in my opinion, is SOLELY responsible for you having as wide a fan base as you have. If not for him you would PROBABLY still be playing in shit bars in Florida. AGAIN I MUST SAY I MEAN NO DISRESPECT TO YOU after all I have been a fan of yours since the first single,(GYG) and definetly support your message. I just want to see the two of you back together. I would also like to hear your side of the story. If you read this, Manson, just know that I and MANY of the mutual fans you share with NIN are disappointed with this SEEMINGLY childish disrespect of one another.
JP[manson replied first with this:]
RE: Manson, No disrespect, but you got ALOT of Nerve
to keep it short, I have had nothing but good things to say, despite my alleged betrayal. I consider Trent like a brother and I miss him. However, I won't sit back and get bashed when I have provided him with about 10 million dollars in income. I wish him luck.
I am my own world, his is what it is.
I have never wanted to compete.
sincerely marilyn manson[and then added this:]
I Have nerve
I doubt I would be doing anything other than this, with or without anyone's help, because will power is the only path to getting your dreams.
this subject is pointless and only one that Trent really needs to bring up.
I'm quite busy thinking about my art. good night all
[then someone else said this::]
Author: Mike Barnhart
MARILYN if you read this today please inform your flock as to who I am and......What Song I inspired. See just when you think your fans really know you they Don't!
See you in Hell Marilyn Or Canton whichever comes first!
Yes I called him Marilyn outta respect for his Art!
[and manson said this::]
who I am and...... mike barnhart
yes, it is sadly true that some boy named Mike Barnhart used to kick my ass when I was in junior high.
It's a shame I didn't have a gun.
Fortunately I grew up to be something else.
Not better, just different. I hold no grudges.
I hope your trailer is warm Mike. It gets cold in those parks this time of year.Love, the third and final beast
Marilyn Manson[and clarified with this so that the jr high kids didn't go get their guns and put holes in the Mike Barnharts of their little worlds:]
it was a shame i didn't have a ...
Article: sarcasm, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

Nov. 16. 1999mike barnart / trent reznor
I know Mike knows I was just having a laugh.
Mike, thanks for making me realize I was a pussy with no confidence.
Junior high can be ugly.Best of luck.
I like trailers. Most of my family comes from one.And as far as Trent, I don't give a shit about making money. I have fun being an artist and I'm thankful people let me. I'm also glad he got me started. And he's the same way. He has more integrity than anyone I know.
But I have made him rich.
So he should smile.Love and I am back to Death Valley,
see you in some weeks ahead.Marilyn Manson

Nov.16.1999alleged new manson demos
First of all we have not written any songs remotely related to those titles.
Secondly, I am not recording in any studio and do not use cassetes ever.Just want to clarify rumors before they get ridiculous.
Nice try though,
Marilyn Manson

Nov.16.1999last post for tonight
Raven, you can find me on aol, if you are who you think you are.
Sorry, to everyone else. I wasn't ignoring you.
It's wonderful to hear from you.
Suprises are on their way.MM=2000

Nov.16.1999HERE IT IS
The posts were cleared to make space.
New ideas.
New ways of thinking.
That's all.I may not post for some time as I am going away from "civilization" for awhile.
In the meantime, my site will slowly change day by day.
And Omega and the symbol will be dead.Thanks to everyone who appeared on TLTOE.
I hope you can hear yourselves in the backround.
If you weren't there, I hope the cd makes you feel like you were.We are born as angels
and our parents are God.
They make us in there image.
We follow their commandments.
When we reach the age of reason,
the Age of Horus, we can no longer
be what our "parents" our "god"
our "society" would like us to be.
Maturity, sensibility, rebellion, 15.
This is when we fall.
This is Lucifer.
Being what you want isn't wrong.
The story has always been written from someone
else's perspective.
Now we must write our own, here among thorns.Next time I see you, I will announce the title
of the new album, and share some footage of the recording.The Third and Final Beast

Away in a manger, no crib for his bed, The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head. The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay, The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.
The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes, but little Lord Jesus no crying he makes. I love thee, Lord Jesus! Look down from the sky, And stay by my side until morning is nigh.

2000 Archives Click To Read
I want to thank everyone for their generous devotion and support. It's a gift to be able to make art and not only have people enjoy it, but to make a living doing it.
I'd like to say my love is for creating and destroying. Motivating and provoking. Some people think money is the reason. To me it's only paper and a concept like gravity. I’m thankful for my success, and I hope that everybody who bought my records feels their money was well spent. It makes me happy every time I buy a book that teaches me something new. All I can say is that the band and I are so proud of this new record that we can’t wait for you to hear it.
YOUR input, research, fan mail and criticisms have all been great inspirations, and our lifeblood.
Thank you for helping this site's transformation take place. Mine has been coming since 1969--Apollo, the political imprisonment of Manson, Altamont, and the death of old ways.
By your request there will be more photos of TWIGGY, POGO, GINGER and 5 up this week along with more changes to accommodate your needs.

2/14/2000 5:47PMThey'd remember this day as Valentine's Day
Live from Goler Wash, Death Valley.
February 14 is a special day for you and I.
Love and I am,
The Third and Final Beast

I am very impressed and pleased that everyone is using this BBS to express themselves with inspiring essays and artworks. Since this Fan Gallery is new, I’d like to ask everyone to be patient while I create the best method to select pieces for discussion. I will NOT make this a competition because art is subjective and I am not in a position to decide if something is better than the rest. No one is.
I want this gallery to be a place where I choose things for us to examine and learn from. Some may be funny. Some may be more technically superior. Some may be primitive or simply horrible. Some may be hateful and some may be derogatory towards you or my band. This is not a talent contest unless you look at provocation and stimulation as a talent. I do.
I am also surprised by the extensive research some of you are doing. Everyone is beginning to tap into the same frequency. I added a link to brian, a memorial page for the teenager I spoke about at Disinfo Con. I encourage you to visit this one.
Also, I would like to clarify that my film project has not been cancelled. I have just decided to focus on the album and the 2 books first so that my story can be enjoyed or hated in its true form. While the book of images is still being created, the novel Holy Wood has been written for some time. It is not an adaptation of the script and it is not a "graphic novel." Although the story and style aren’t exactly conventional, it is a traditional novel in every other aspect.
Sometime in the next week, I will be broadcasting a video transmission from within the studio. In this I will clarify some of the rumors and answer the questions you have regarding my record label and the aforementioned projects.
Keep creating all of the great work. A revolution is only achieved when rebellion is realized and focused.
Love and I am,
Marilyn Manson

4/11/2000 5:00AMtoo many to hate, too few to love
the important ones belong together the past is to learn from, not to dwell upon.
marilyn manson
the third and final beast

4/13/2000 2:10AMRUMORS
the anticipation is killing me... I hope it lasts.

4/16/2000 11:45PMsomething to think about...
This week of Easter, although it is considered by some to be a Pagan holiday, has a very violent relevance in Christian history.
King Herod, introduced into royalty at 15, makes Thursday's Passover have a much darker meaning. He didn't have a high regard for children.
Any former bible students care to comment?
More to come on Good Friday, which was the 15th day of Nisan when Christ was murdered.

4/17/2000 12:06AMALSO...
The board is an admitted mess and will be fixed with passwords very soon.
Good to still see you all here. And no, there has been NO imposters.
I would like to say AMERICAN PSYCHO is one of the best films I've seen. Enjoy it if you find the time.

4/17/2000 3:43PMRE: I WAS NOT ALLOWED!
He's right. If you can be in a car or join the armed forces as my father did at 17, then you should be able to see an R rated film.
16 is fair. You can be taxed at 16, can't you? But I guess you don't have rights.
16 or fight.

Am I a starfucker?
I'll have to wait and see...
Realize that this forum is our Aether (ether)and all of you angels must have identities. To express opinions anonymously, is a sign of weakness and I see you as being stronger than that.
So to clarify, late next week this bbs will have passwords. You will each become an atom in this Ain Soph.
There will be no censorship, there will only be opinions---good and bad. No more tedious nonsense.
The fan art has not been examined yet because I haven't developed a system to provide your work with the respect it deserves so next week please resubmit what you'd like me to see.
To those occultists, this Easter perhaps the "mundane egg" may be an interesting topic for conversation.

4/25/2000 1:35AMDON'T BE ABSURD
Of course I know who Stile is. I merely meant that I hadn't heard of his amusing, bullshit interview until today.
Fuck this, and fuck that aren't there more important things and people to focus your hatred and wishes of suffering upon.
It's coming and when it does, god bless you...

4/29/00NEW BOARD
Welcome, and please enjoy the new system.

You have a real reason to watch MTV.
When I direct traffic, accidents happen.

05-13-2000 01:57 AMHello from the gutters of Holy Wood
Thanks for those few at NYC--- and you can expect more coming your way.
they see no point in trying to come to some agreement or co-operation with humans, as their study of our behavior towards our own planet/people/animal kingdom tells them that
where do we go?
we will know soon enough...prepare.

05-13-2000 02:09 AMHOLY WOOD
The album is almost done and I can't wait for you to hear it.
My posts will appear in the TRUTH section eventually. This is part of the new system. I wanted to get it up as soon as possible, so it still has its faults.
This board is designed like any other with passwords. It is here to make our communication easier and more productive.

In the wings
I am still here watching and waiting. The album is almost complete. I have no confirmed tour plans, despite the rumours.
Soon I will announce the release date.
Love and I am,
Marilyn Manson
The Third And Final Beast

7/4/2000july 4
can we really celebrate independence when we are still enslaved to our old ways?
well, at least watching explosions is good.
The release date for Holy Wood has not been set--but it most definitely is not in September.

When I spoke of independence--not indepenDANCE--I was thinking of guilt more than law. Evolution rather than revolution.
War starts in the heart. Can't fight "them" until you have determined who "us" is.

7/10/2000 03:18Sleep
You should be in bed.
Who wants to talk?
I'll hang out for a few moments.MM3

I'm glad to see that you all have strong opinions. In fact, I personally like the criticism as much as the praise. Sometimes, people are far too judgemental without having any facts to justify their comments but that is also entertaining. I think you all need to be heard---the good and bad---to make this a place worth existing.
Obviously, the Eminem situation (which none of you know anything about) has caused a serious debate. That's one of the reasons I did it. Just like making a Glam album instead of ACSS part 2. The other reason I did the Eminem video is because his record deals with issues that affect both you and I in more ways than one. The music and movie industry is under more scrutiny than ever and it's unbelievable he has become so successful. I unfortunately predict nothing but problems because of his lyrical content. That's also, precisely why I joined forces. He, by the way, is even more against the idiocy of TRL and the bullshit of fame than I am. If anyone thinks I did it for "chicks" or "money"---I would be better off writing asinine chants about "PUSSY!"
I do what is least expected and usually what is least accepted. I don't try to piss off or alienate my fans; I just want to challenge them. Chaos.
This brings us to the BBS FORUM. This is your forum as much as it is mine. I could be a fascist and censor all the negative comments, but why should I bother? I think it's funny when someone wastes his or her time hating me so much. Hell, sometimes I just do it to get them more pissed off. Anyone knows I am the first to defend free speech. If there weren't any, I wouldn't exist. I'm suprised I do after Columbine.
As far as banning users goes, I think that this is your democracy and I am willing to hear your complaints. Say for example that you're at a party and someone says something you don't like. That's too fucking bad. You don't kick them out. You ignore them or fight. However, if some drunk asshole is breaking furniture, trying to fuck your cat and lighting the couch on fire, then maybe he should be asked to leave.
I think that this is a place to exchange ideas and argue. You can say what you like. You can call each other and me names and shit all over my work if you want. My world is, as they say, unaffected. However, I do agree with Ultra_Violent, that comments about Eminem's wife's suicide attempt and similar posts become just plain hateful. Tiresome, really. These morons that say these things should ABSOLUTELY be able to say them. Maybe they should just say them somewhere else? They can start their own forum. If the BBS as a whole thinks they want to remove these individuals, then take a poll.
I don't know what you would like me to do. This is your choice that I will honor.
I will look forward to your heated discussion.
Time for a riot.
The Third and Final Beast

I have enjoyed the interesting conversations. For the record, I have not banned anyone. I'm leaving for quite sometime.
May your thoughts take you somewhere new.
To the greatest fans on earth,
Love and I am,
The Third and Final Beast

Because of the translation, some of the facts in those Latin American interviews you've read are misleading. I said that Holy Wood, as a film, was written with Jodorowsky in mind as a director because Holy Mountain and Holy Blood (Santa Sangre) were two of his other films.
The release date of the album will be given to you as soon as it is given to me. The album is not pushed back and we are pleased to be finishing it very soon.
I also think the translation confused my lyrical content as well. Most of the journalist's comments were accurate but references to 'drugs' and the use of base profanity ('cock' and 'pussy')were not in any of those songs.
See why I quit journalism?

To clarify any unnecessary rumours...Peter Kern, a turn-of-the-century Mason built a ceremonial entrance to his land to represent an esoteric gateway to death. This is the Jornada del Muerto, the journey of the dead man. Some believe that JFK passed through here on his way to Trinity and on to Dealy Plaza. It is located near El Paso.
To my knowledge, it has no affiliation with Nazis nor do I CONDONE or PROMOTE any such beliefs.
This is merely a mystical and bizarre piece of architechture I discovered on my quest for knowledge. If you look deeper, you will see its connection to Adam Kadmon as well.

besides my 3...
I will be making a webcast anouncement very soon.
I will let you know the real release date, some of the track listing and your way to hear new songs on THIS site first.
To clarify some small errors in the RS article, "THE THREE FACES OF MARILYN MANSON," I would like to point out---
Dave Sardy is not Dave Sardi.
My albums are a triptych not a tryptic.
ACSS is not my first record and MA was as successful if not more than its predecessor.
I do not own a wolf head. I believe he saw my baboon head, that could be mistaken for a wolf in semi-darkness.
And to any confused fans, I did not say MA was a sellout or a record that I dislike. I was merely explaining its significance in my trilogy.
Keep your eyes and ears open,
There is a riot in the distance,

I'm not sure where you got these but they are, for the most part, incorrect.
Stay tuned for the truth. Here, and only here.

It is very nice to be back. We have grown since my last visit and I truly appreciate your support. Since I've done several interviews, I think it is only appropriate that we do one ourselves right here, uncensored.
Post all your questions here and I will answer as many as possible in a video transmission early next week. This will appear in the NEWS section with an exclusive photo shoot of the band.
So, here is your chance to ask me whatever you want.
Love and I am,
2001 Archives Click To Read
02-05-200104:49 AMHello from the Vatican
Yesterday I visited Vatican City here in Rome, Italy. It was quite an amazing site. Everything was made of real gold and there was a statue of St. Peter that people touched for a blessing. It was worn down to almost nothing. I decided not to touch it.
I also saw the Colloseum where Christians were fed to the lions in 72 A.D. Interestingly enough, they now have hotdog stands outside for the tourists.
Hopefully, the Pope got my invitation to the show tonight.
Marilyn Manson

01-30-200110:45 AMHELLO EVERYONE
Sorry, I haven't posted lately but I'm still here. I am in Hamburg, Germany today and I will be making a guest appearance at the Eminem concert tonight.
While I'm in Europe I'd like to use this forum as more of a diary, so we can keep in touch.
I'd also like to say that it's unfortunate that my relationship with Rose is over, but I am allowed to be 'seen' with whomever I choose. I think each of you should also remember that we as a group of people dislike being judged, so save your nasty remarks about my friends--past or present.
I haven't had a chance to thank America for a great tour and I can't wait to start again this spring on something very big with Slipknot possibly. Stay tuned for that.
Marilyn Manson

I apologize for my absence. I will try to put things back in order. There will be thousands of new pictures in the gallery that I've just come across.

Hello late-nighters
we just got home from filming the video for the "Nobodies."
very different.
very tired.
look for photos soon.

I hope that everyone can understand that I don't give a shit about anything but the music and you people that listen to it.
If I had any other intentions I would pursue other venues of promotion.
I am what I am and I have never tried to be anything else.
Your support is the most important thing to me and my band.

I love you always....

May 22
Sorry, I haven't had time to talk lately. The band and I are creating sounds and music for the film, "From Hell." The "Nobodies" video is complete and we'll be debuting it very soon. It is a bit of a fairy tale and I hope you enjoy the moral of the story.
We have been writing many new songs that are quite different and beat oriented. Sometimes it makes me think of the Marquis De Sade with a drum machine.
The photo gallery will be updated shortly with hundreds of pictures that have never been seen by the public. We are also compiling video footage from the GGG tour for a new DVD.
We are off to Boston this weekend, and then off to Ozzfest. I hope to see everyone soon. Especially, those of you in Denver that have stuck by me.
Marilyn Manson

BBSers at Norva and elsewhere
My apologies go out to anyone disappointed that I could not meet them outside Norva. I recieved all of you artwork and cool JFK memorabilia. Thank you. That night my dressing room was robbed and I also felt very under the weather. I thought the crowd and the show was great and I'm sorry if that wasn't enough. I did sign a bunch of bibles though, in my bed. If I didn't care, I wouldn't have signed anything. Contrary to popular belief I wasn't well enough to enjoy any "party."
Thanks for the support, you guys are the best and I try my hardest to show you that. Your understanding is appreciated.

We all knew this day would come. My best wishes go out to those families who lost their loved ones. I also have friends in NY and of course here in LA that I am still concerned about. The only thing we can do now is to stick together.
If it takes something this terrible to unite us, so be it.
America hasn't always stood by me, but I will surely stand by America. Let's never forget how lucky we are to have so much freedom.
Marilyn Manson

I have always said that I hate so much and love so much about this country. Of course we would love more freedom, but let's not forget what we already have. And the freedom to live without fear.
When I say for us to unite I mean as like-minded individuals and as friends. I don't expect the country to come together because of this tragedy, but at least we can here.
Everyone is scared and confused and I wish I had more to offer. Right now I have my friends and family to worry about. I hope you all stay safe.
And for those who want to make ignorant comments about my feelings on this, you are entitled to your opinion but you can always take it somewhere else.
Even someone like me can show respect for those killed yesterday and for the people protecting our lives.
I expect the rest of you to as well.
Marilyn Manson

Happy Halloween
I hope everyone takes advantage of tonight and escapes into a new persona. This is a rare night for me to have off. I miss playing a show for everyone.
We are shooting a video this weekend and I expect some interesting cameos from some of my friends. I won't ruin the suprise though.

I'm getting ready to watch some meteors tonight and I hope you guys get a chance as well. I have been in the studio everyday writing the new album which is very much guitar driven. Some people think when I say beat-oriented that I mean it won't be heavy, but I assure you it will. Joey from Slipknot has worked on a track with me and I am currently collaborating with Thim Skold (KMFDM). I'd like to sneak everyone a listen soon if you all behave. And by the way, the video for Tainted Love couldn't be any more sarcastic and the "making of" photos are compressed so it squashes the height. So all the concerns about me being fat are silly, just watch the video. And the contrast is misleading, so don't get stressed out that I have a tan either. Sometimes you guys are more brutal than me. I guess I got to love that.
I'm always here but I've been putting my thoughts into the album. So don't think for a minute I forgot you. You are going to love the new record, because it takes no shit from nobody (sic).
Forever, MM

Posted by Butterfly
Go get that bottle of Absinthe that has been just calling your name all night. Have a few and have a chit chat with us..
Relieve some tension with us all.
You know you want to.
Get in those ski doo boots and on that webcam right now mister. =)I remember well.

Ain't Nuthin' But A Goth Thing
to the fans
I hope everyone was able to enjoy the seething sarcasm in the video and notice that it was just plain entertaining to those of us who made it.
As I am between records, I really felt the music world needed something a little less serious right now. If you don't get it or like it, that's your call.
The new record will take things to another level, and I can assure it won't be a comical one. I love you guys and I wanted this clip to cheer us all up with the mood we've all been in since 9/11.
I will talk to you soon and I promise a sneak peak of a new song will be on the way if you behave. MM

Merry Xmas bad kiddies
I see
no one behaved. I will give you your present in a few days after I sort out the bad boys and girls.
Goodnight, MM
2002 Archives Click To Read
I have been here, despite my lack of posts. I created the journal section to avoid any misrepresentations of my statements to you. I will still read your posts and comment when possible.
I am currently putting down vocals and redesigning the site. In the weeks to come we will be seeing a glimpse of what the new album will sound and look like.
If I have appeared to be absent it is only because I am working and I have also taken the time to raise a small white kitten. And no, I will not be eating it or indulging in beastiality.

2/2/2002 12:52A FEW ANSWERS
Hope this helps
My book, Holy Wood, is caught in a war between publishers and I am waiting just as you are for it to be released.
My cat is a Devon Rex and her name is Lily White. I call her white girl or bitch, depending on my ghetto dracula mood.
Love and I am

2/14/2002 19:36VALENTINE'S DAY | For my darlings...
I left some gifts for all of you in my journal.
Marilyn Manson

3/3/2002 02:45Moderation equals death
It will all be revealed
I am close to completion on many levels.
Soon you will see.
It's not what you expect.
Everything you know about me is about to change.
You will be a part of this.
We will not be ignored and we will not disappoint.

3/3/2002 03:32REPLY
To some of your questions
I try to give you what you want and that is the best I can do.
I posted something tonight in my journal for you.
Thanks for your patience.
I think the new webdesign should include a feature that requires BBS users to identify themselves withought using fake email addresses. Sometimes it seems that free speech isn't really worth being free if people are not willing to accept the responsibility of what they say. After all we are each others peers here. Why should we be strangers. Just something for the residents of this forum to think about.
Good night and thanks for listening,

3/3/2002 03:55Final Note
Regarding current material
I was glad to work with Jonathan Davis and to become friends again.
I have not seen the film yet.
I have not yet remixed Linkin Park but I have been asked to do so. It is possible I might make one of their songs something that people who dislike them could appreciate. I enjoy challenges and the opportunity to create.
Money doesn't make a difference as long as I enjoy doing something.
I am truly proud of my Resident Evil score and I hope to do more things like that.
HOWEVER, the new album has been my priority every day since October. I am quite confident you will enjoy it.

I have updated my journal.
I appreciate your excitement and I hope you can tell that we are feeling the same way.
For the people who can never be pleased--"that's fake, you can't record guitar like that, it's tablature is the same as, manson's singing is lame, blah, blah blah..." take this into consideration. I wanted to share a taste. Yes, you can record guitars right into a computer. I'll record them into a fucking cellphone if I want. Yes, people do dress like that in the studio. We decided to work after attending the Resident Evil premiere. Any musical tab-bullshit-comparisons can be saved for when the record comes out. There are about 4 bars of one song and 2 of another. You can hardly even tell what time signature it's in.
The point is, I wanted to let you get a feel for the sound without spoiling any suprises. I wanted you to enjoy it. If that's not good enough for certain complainers, then you might be in the wrong place. I'm going to wear whatever I want when I record. And times are changing. Those clips are just a zig-zag of hi high-fi coming to you darling demons.
I'm an Arch-dandy ready to turn the world into one big ugly stage like it's supposed to be. Won't you please join me?
Goodbye ladies and gentlemen. Thanks for listening. We will not disappoint. Marilyn Manson

This is my last post with the mercury symbol. Check my journal and the news and see where we are headed.
Arch Dandy, Marilyn Manson

Other band members, girlfriends, associates, etc. posting here. I won't be doing so ever again either.
At least until this forum is revamped.
6th July 2002 04:40 AMMr. Juvenile Delinquent Himself | kids are saying, "Fuck."
My short but painful doctor visit was the result of a photo shoot and PAINT!
Unfortunately, no drugs.
Hello, by the way.

6th July 2002 05:35 AMDNA double helix | people!
morbid acuteness of the senses.
I am working 24-7 with impaired vision.
This is dinner time.
Coyotes may now devour.Goodnight and see you soon.

17th July 2002 05:54 AMhere kitty, kitty | blah blah blllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
I wrote a very long journal piece but my computrid is broken. See me tomorrow. Take 2 call me when you are mourning.

2003 Archives Click To Read