SPIN :Top 100: Omissions and Rebuttals
SPIN reflects back on final decisions made during Spin's 100 Greatest Albums
Marilyn Manson: I will say there was a pretty big debate in the office about whether or not we should include Mr. Manson on the list, if only because he's such a recognizable character and became the definitive rock and roll reactionary figure at the end of the twentieth century. I love love love all of Manson's records, but it was ultimately decided that Antichrist Superstar was too uneven and Mechanical Animals was too insignificant, and I basically agree. But when you compound the fact that Manson was blamed for school shootings, suicides, a rise in teenage Satanism, and the fall of civilization as old white Republicans know it, you have to give this guy credit where credit is due. Personally, I would have liked to have seen Mechanical Animals make the list, as it's got better production and arrangements, but for sheer power and rage, how could we look past "The Beautiful People," "The Reflecting God," and "Irresponsible Hate Anthem," all of which are contained on 1996's still-jarring Antichrist Superstar? I guess nobody's perfect.
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