the NachtKabarett

Contribution from Maxim Marusenkov
All Writing & Content © The NACHTKABARETT
The Meat Show is an installation that was organized by Robert Delford Brown in 1964 in New York. This installation is mentioned in the song The Bright Young Things:
"I'm most monster with my groan box
In the 'Meat Show.'"
The press release stated: "The Meat Show will be the Grand Opening Service of The First National Church of the Exquisite Panic". The so-called church is a humorous mock-religious organization, very much the same as The Church of SubGenius. As the official site says, The First National Church of the Exquisite Panic is "a belief in yadda, yadda, yadda, and or ooffa, ooffa, ooffa." "Many religions tell you how to get to Nirvana. They all give very complicated directions. The First National Church of the Exquisite Panic, Inc. tells you how to get to Nevada. It sounds close and it's simple. YOU TAKE A BUS!"
"Mr. Robert Delford Brown is the founder and leader of this new religion. He states, "I am attempting to bring religion, sex and art into the same vital relationship that existed prior to the degenerative plague that Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Moses, Gautama Buddha, and Los-Tse visited upon humanity. The Meat Show will induce startling spiritual, sexual, and aesthetic revelations in the viewer. It is my belief that even the most bereft wretch will be jolted into some kind of consciousness when confronted with the awesome sight of tons of meat, gallons of blood, hundreds of yards of lingerie fabric and other sights as yet undisclosed, which will be organized into a harmonious and inspirational work of art."

In The Golden Age of Grotesque era the idea of reuniting religion, sex and art along with mocking traditional forms of religion (and Christianity above all) becomes a matter of great importance for Manson. In the interview with Las Vegas Review Journal (July 4, 2003) the artist described his show in the following way: "It's where theater goes off of the stage and becomes a reality of its own. It's the Nuremberg rally meets Walt Disney on acid. And stripped of religious and political meaning, it becomes its own religion and politics."